[openstack-dev] [TripleO][Tuskar] JSON output values from Tuskar API

Dougal Matthews dougal at redhat.com
Thu Feb 27 08:48:37 UTC 2014

On 26/02/14 18:38, Petr Blaho wrote:
> I am wondering what is the OpenStack way of returning json from
> apiclient.

Good question, I think its important for us to be as consistent as

> By looking at API docs at http://api.openstack.org/ I can say that
> projects use both ways, altought what I would describe as "nicer API"
> uses namespaced variant.

Can you explain why you prefer it? I'm curious as I would tend to vote
for no namespaces. They add an extra level of nesting but don't actually
provide any benefits that I can see.

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