[openstack-dev] [Neutron] Using Python-Neutronclient from Python - docstrings needed?

Ben Nemec openstack at nemebean.com
Mon Feb 10 17:07:43 UTC 2014


I'm sure the Documentation team would love to hear from you:


On 2014-02-09 23:24, Rajdeep Dua wrote: 

> Yes, We would be interested in doing that. 
> Please let me know which is the right group/ team for this? 
> On Monday, February 10, 2014 10:34 AM, "Collins, Sean" <Sean_Collins2 at cable.comcast.com> wrote:
> Do you have plans to submit these back upstream? It would be a great first start, perhaps we could add these as examples underneath the JSON request/reponse in http://api.openstack.org/api-ref-networking.html
> Sean M. Collins 
> -------------------------
> FROM: Rajdeep Dua [dua_rajdeep at yahoo.com]
> SENT: Saturday, February 08, 2014 11:10 PM
> TO: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
> SUBJECT: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron] Using Python-Neutronclient from Python - docstrings needed?
> Sean, 
> We have written a few docs for writing these samples 
> http://python-api-guide.cfapps.io/content/neutron.html
> You can find get the source here https://github.com/rajdeepd/openstack-samples 
> Thanks 
> Rajdeep 
> On Sunday, February 9, 2014 12:57 AM, "Collins, Sean" <Sean_Collins2 at cable.comcast.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was writing a small script yesterday to parse a list of IP blocks and
> create security groups and rules, by using python-neutronclient.
> To be honest, it was very difficult - even though I have actually
> written extensions to Python-Neutronclient for the QoS API. 
> For those that are trying to use the client from inside their code,
> they end up getting zero help as to how to actually call any of the
> functions, and what parameters they take. 
>>>> neutron = client.Client('2.0', auth_url=os.environ['OS_AUTH_URL'],
> ... tenant_id=os.environ['OS_TENANT_ID'],
> ... username=os.environ['OS_USERNAME'],
> ... password=os.environ['OS_PASSWORD'])
>>>> help(neutron)
> | create_credential = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_firewall = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_firewall_policy = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_firewall_rule = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_floatingip = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_health_monitor = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_ikepolicy = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_ipsec_site_connection = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_ipsecpolicy = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_member = <function with_params>
> | 
> | create_metering_label = <function with_params>
> Since there was nothing there, I decided to go check the source of
> python-neutronclient and see if there are any examples.
> https://github.com/openstack/python-neutronclient/blob/master/doc/source/index.rst [2]
> If you read closely enough, you'll find out that the function takes a
> dictionary, that looks very similar to the request/response examples
> listed in the API documentation. So, I went over and checked it out.
> http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-network/2.0/content/POST_security-groups-v2.0_createSecGroup_v2.0_security-groups_security-groups-ext.html [3]
> So from there, I was able to remember enough that each of these
> functions takes a single argument, that is a dictionary, that mimics
> the same structure that you see in the API documentation, so from there
> it was just some experimentation to get the structure right.
> Honestly it wasn't easy to remember all this stuff, since
> it had been a couple months since I had worked with
> python-neutronclient, and it had been from inside the library itself.
> This was my first experience using it "on the outside" and it was pretty
> tough - so I'm going to try and look into how we can improve the
> docstrings for the client object, to make it a bit easier to figure out.
> Thoughts?
> -- 
> Sean M. Collins
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