[openstack-dev] [Nova] bp proposal: discovery of peer instances through metadata service

Russell Bryant rbryant at redhat.com
Wed Feb 5 18:01:23 UTC 2014

On 01/23/2014 11:28 AM, Justin Santa Barbara wrote:
> Would appreciate feedback / opinions on this
> blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/first-discover-your-peers

The blueprint starts out with:

    When running a clustered service on Nova, typically each node needs
    to find its peers. In the physical world, this is typically done
    using multicast. On the cloud, we either can't or don't want to use

So, it seems that at the root of this, you're looking for a
cloud-compatible way for instances to message each other.  I really
don't see the metadata API as the appropriate place for that.

How about using Marconi here?  If not, what's missing from Marconi's API
to solve your messaging use case to allow instances to discover each other?

Russell Bryant

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