[openstack-dev] stalled bug fixes for vmware driver

David Ripton dripton at redhat.com
Fri Sep 20 20:58:02 UTC 2013

On 09/20/2013 04:11 PM, Dan Wendlandt wrote:

> Its great that you have dashboards like this, very cool.  The
> interesting thing here is that the patches I am talking about are not
> waiting on reviews in general, but rather core review.  They have plenty
> of reviews from non-core folks who provide feedback (and they keep
> getting +1'd again as they are rebased every few days).  Perhaps a good
> additional metric to track would be be items that have spent a lot of
> time without a negative review, but have not gotten any core reviews.  I
> think that is the root of the issue in the case of the reviews I'm
> talking about.

I feel the pain.  Especially when you have a +2 but need to rebase 
before the second +2 comes in, and lose it.

I just sent a pull request to next-review to add --onlyplusone and 
--onlyplustwo to next-review, to give core reviewers an easy way to 
focus on already-somewhat-vetted reviews, and leave the new reviews to 
non-core reviewers.

David Ripton   Red Hat   dripton at redhat.com

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