[openstack-dev] [TripleO] Tuskar UI - Resource Class Creation Wireframes - updated

Jaromir Coufal jcoufal at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 15:10:33 UTC 2013

Hi Jay,

thank you very much for your feedback. Some comments will follow inline:

On 2013/16/10 19:15, Jay Pipes wrote:
> Hi Jarda, wireframes look really nice :)
> One tiny suggestion:
> "Assistant (proper halfing of resources)"
> If I understand correctly, I think a better layout/UI/wording might be 
> to have a radio button instead of a checkbox, and have the two options 
> be:
I had radio buttons previously with a bit different interaction and 
based on testing and feedback, I got to the point that checkbox which 
enables/disables assistant would be better interaction here.

But I agree that we might find better wording for it, so that it's clearer.

> "Assisted (automatically ensure resources add up to 100%)" and
> "Manual"
> This would correspond to the already-familiar diskdruid-like 
> partitioning helper.
I don't know disk druid, but based on other partitioning tools I think I 
understand where you are heading.

For flavors it is a little bit different case:
* Partitioning assistant is trying to figure out how to best distribute 
partitions across your hard drive and fully consume 100% of it
* The purpose of Flavor Assistant is to help to utilize your Node at 
* BUT we cannot ensure max utilization with Assistant, because it still 
depends on user, what Max Flavor Size he will enter.
     * If user enters it's size wrong (e.g. 2/3 of the whole Node 
capacity), max utilization is unachievable.
* So the real thing what assistant is doing is to properly half flavor 
resources (CPU, RAM Disks), so that utilization can be maximized.
     * Maximized means that one flavor is using the same space as two 
smaller ones. And the same rule applies for all flavors.

If we keep the checkbox, do you have any suggestions for the wording? Or 

'Enable Assistant (halving of flavor resources)'

Would this one be better?

> Thoughts?
> -jay

-- Jarda
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