[openstack-dev] [Mistral] Announcing a new task scheduling and orchestration service for OpenStack

Joshua Harlow harlowja at yahoo-inc.com
Mon Oct 14 20:32:11 UTC 2013

So from my understanding of the whole situation.

Convection doesn't exist (at the moment), and I think mistral will be an
implementation of what u call convection.

Its planned to be along the lines of convection, in fact I think we should
move https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Convection to
https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/MistralDesign (or something similar?).

Convection was planned to use taskflow to provide the underlying workflow
engine (taskflow is targeted for more than just this usage btw, since its
a generic library/concept).

I for one think it will be very neat to see where mistral ends up :)

On 10/14/13 1:04 PM, "Clint Byrum" <clint at fewbar.com> wrote:

>Excerpts from Renat Akhmerov's message of 2013-10-14 12:40:28 -0700:
>> Hi OpenStackers,
>> I am proud to announce the official launch of the Mistral project. At
>>Mirantis we have a team to start contributing to the project right away.
>>We invite anybody interested in task service & state management to join
>>the initiative.
>> Mistral is a new OpenStack service designed for task flow control,
>>scheduling, and execution. The project will implement Convection
>>proposal (https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Convection) and provide an API
>>and domain-specific language that enables users to manage tasks and
>>their dependencies, and to define workflows, triggers, and events. The
>>service will provide the ability to schedule tasks, as well as to define
>>and manage external sources of events to act as task execution triggers.
>Why exactly aren't you just calling this Convection and/or collaborating
>with the developers who came up with it?
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