[openstack-dev] [Solum] Initial Core Reviewers

Adrian Otto adrian.otto at rackspace.com
Thu Nov 14 21:53:09 UTC 2013


We need a thriving group of code reviewers for Solum to get us through our rapid growth phase. When a project is new, typically the authors of the code upon announcement are named as the initial core review team. Because Solum is starting entirely as a community effort, finding a way to start fairly while establishing the natural leaders on the review team requires some trust. I have asked a team of experienced core reviewers to help seed the Solum core team and set the tone for how we want to model our review team in the future. This is a team that can lead by example, and has extensive knowledge of how the OpenStack ecosystem works, and how best to interface with other projects.

The plan is to encourage all motivated contributors to participate in reviews, and to work with this seed team to eventually shift control to the leaders that naturally emerge in the project. If you are interested in becoming a core reviewer for Solum, I am committed to helping you achieve that goal, and make a meaningful contribution to the project. My team named below will help as well, who are all busy with commitments to other projects but have committed to helping get Solum established and reviews flowing smoothly over the next few months.

Adrian Otto (adrian_otto) - Solum PTL (Principal Architect, Rackspace)
Monty Taylor (mordred) - OpenStack Technical Committee, OpenStack Board of Directors (Distinguished Technologist, HP)
Robert Collins (lifeless) - TripleO PTL (Distinguished Technologist, HP)
Russell Bryant (russelb) - Nova PTL (Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat)
Kurt Griffiths (kgriffs) - Marconi PTL (Principal Architect, Rackspace)

Note that anyone can participate and vote in reviews, and I encourage you to be actively involved with this process, as it's a critical success factor for us. Please let me know your thoughts on this approach.


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