[openstack-dev] [Metrics] Keeping up with review requests

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Tue May 28 18:11:13 UTC 2013

On 05/28/2013 10:18 AM, Sean Dague wrote:
> Honestly, I think this misses the entire point. These are really more
> "rah rah" kinds of stats, and not the kind of useful reports that a core
> reviewer wants out of the gerrit data.

I agree with you that these stats may not be the kind of reports useful 
for a reviewer (I can't parse 'rah rah' though). I brought them up 
because in the Activity Board it's possible to show context, which is 
not possible in the scripts running on status.openstack.org. For 
example, on Activity Board it is possible not just to show the trends 
and raw numbers, but also show information about one singular changeset 
and the bug(s) it fixes and also drill down to the authors/reviewers and 
see what she's been up to recently. It also allow to search for similar 
changes, reviews, etc.

> Whatever the answer is, it should be written in a language that the PTLs
> are fluent in,because they are definitely going to want to tweak these
> algorithms over time.

I think I understand what you mean and I agree with you. FYI wikidsmart 
database can be queried with standard sparql syntax and MetricsGrimoire 
can be queried in sql and python. Both projects have published the code:


> And if it's more than one person's private
> scripts, it should be something that's up on
> http://github.com/openstack-infra so that it's subject to the same kind
> gerrit review flow and collaboration.

The idea is to put the whole activity board inside openstack-infra. In 
order for that to happen, we need to remove the dependency on 
Confluence: it seems that there is demand for more/better reporting, so 
now it's just a matter of evaluating the costs and do it. I hope to get 
back to this list soon with news.


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