[openstack-dev] Commit cutoff date for Summit codes

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Wed Jan 16 19:21:41 UTC 2013

On 01/16/2013 07:35 PM, Alex Glikson wrote:
> Just curious.. Did you also include people who appear only as co-authors
> within change set annotations?

No, we didn't check co-authors. Not only we don't have a simple way to 
identify them but we don't really encourage such sort of commits. But 
those exist, so if you are aware of a co-committer that hasn't received 
the code please send me the evidence and I'll deal with it 'manually'. 
In the evidence please include the URL of the merged patch from 
review.openstack.org and the signed CLA.

> Also, can the code be transferred to a different person if someone can
> not attend for certain reasons?

I don't think it's a good idea: we are inviting people that have 
committed code because we want to have developers join the design 
summit, to define the roadmap for the future release. Sending another 
person would not achieve that result.


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