[openstack-dev] improving the keystone middleware cache

Jay Pipes jaypipes at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 20:27:22 UTC 2012

On 08/08/2012 05:08 PM, Michael Basnight wrote:
> Ive looked @ the caching mechanism for tokens in the keystone
> middleware. It appears that the only caching mechanism is memcache if
> you specify a memcache_servers. I dont see anyone has tackled
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/unifed-caching-system-for-middleware
> . Id like to take that task on, given that we can make sure we can use
> more than just memcache as the cache backend.

++ Also, check out the memcache and memory "fake memcache" stuff in
Nova. It might be useful. Consider putting the effort into
openstack-common if you think the end result will be commonly useful to
more than just Keystone.

> IE, configuration based.
> Id like to start with beaker (or any other python in memory cache if
> one is better), and memcache as the two first shot config based
> caches. Thoughts?

As mentioned above, check out the simple python memory cache in Nova.
Beaker would be fine too.

After that, adding support for Riak, Redis, etc, would be cool.


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