[openstack-announce] [release][octavia] octavia release 0.8.0 (mitaka)

Michael Johnson johnsomor at gmail.com
Tue Mar 15 20:39:13 UTC 2016

The Octavia team is happy to announce the 0.8.0 release of Octavia.

octavia 0.8.0: OpenStack Octavia Scalable Load Balancer as a Service

This release is for the mitaka release series.

With source available at:


With package available at:


Release notes:


Please report issues through launchpad:


For more details, please see the 0.8.0 section below.

Octavia is the reference implementation for Load Balancing as a
Service (LBaaS) in the OpenStack Mitaka release.

Thank you to the OpenStack community for all of your support.



New Features

* Adds support for Layer 7 switching and shared pools features to
  Octavia. This supports the equivalent feature added to Neutron LBaaS

  * Layer 7 policies allow a tenant / user to define actions the
    load balancer may take other than routing requests to the default

  * Layer 7 rules control the logic behind whether a given Layer 7
    policy is followed.

  * Works for HTTP and TERMINATED_HTTPS listeners.

  * Shared pools allow listeners or Layer 7 REDIRECT_TO_POOL
    policies to share back-end pools.

* Glance image containing the latest Amphora image can now be
  referenced using a Glance tag. To use the feature, set amp_image_tag
  in [controller_worker]. Note that amp_image_id should be unset for
  the new feature to take into effect.

* Active/Standby support for Octavia.

  * When enabled in the configuration file, Octavia will boot an
    active and standby amphora for each load balancer.

  * Session persistence is maintained between the active and standby

  * Amphora failover is supported when active/standby is enabled.
    Should the master or backup amphora fail, the health manager will
    rebuild it.

Upgrade Notes

* Upgrade requires a database migration.

  * Shared-pools introduces a new "load_balancer_id" column into the
    "pools" table.

  * "pools.load_balancer_id" column is populated from "listeners"
    data using ETL in the migration.

  * Two new tables are created to handle Layer 7 switching. These
    are "l7policy" and "l7rule".

* amp_image_id option is deprecated and will be removed in one of
  the next releases. Operators are adviced to migrate to the new
  amp_image_tag option.

* Upgrade requires a database migration.

  * Adds tables for active/standby.

  * Updates load balancer, listener, and amphora tables.

Changes in octavia 0.5.2..0.8.0

NOTE: Skipping requirement commits...

ecfca34 Fix admin-state-up
7edd2ae Add VHD support in DIB
8e2c766 Updating unit testing
8d0b162 Add hacking check to ensure not use xrange()
f828a9b Single-Create Documentation
89335a3 Change render_unsets default to False
57cdae6 Add unit tests for L7 data model additions
52cb3b0 Fix L7Policy update regression
571d874 Fix session_persistence deletion bug
26d850c Use consistent type checking of project_id in API
37c99a5 Use rfc3986 module for URL validations
f4da51c Add CA Cert file config option to validate against SSL endpoints
a9fde42 Remove an unused configuration option
de41db2 Replace deprecated LOG.warn with LOG.warning
79f48e7 Add missing unit tests for L7 repo classes
f6b527b Add unit tests for L7Policy API
cb4df2f Add missing unit tests for L7Rule API
df5f907 Fix default_pool_id type in l7policy API
ad3423a Add maximum number of l7rules per l7policy
c3bd87a Adds release notes for Active/Standby
8161b88 Update doc to make it consistent with the actual api
d013927 Add pre_test_hook to run gate jobs
81c73bd Make SSH bind to management net only
0fac4f2 Better L7Policy API validations
5844f94 Remove swift related content in the sample local.conf
c5c5082 Use "--pub-key" instead of "--pub_key"
61a9894 Add bandit baseline to tox
62cb739 Adds the Cascade Deelete REST API doc
fb53fe2 glance: support relying on tags to extract image id
feb7a37 Add release notes for L7 and shared pools
4a1acaf Get Me A Load Balancer Controller
c7d6146 Get me a Load Balancer API
c22bacc Cascading LB delete
06f50c0 Barbican Cert Manager fails to correctly parse intermediates
ae82d21 Block deletion of pool in use by L7Policies
7ca43d2 Improved LoadBalancer Delete
428fee9 Use unique SNI identifier when building data model
f0cc350 Fix LB/Listener status updates for HM/Member
07a608f Implements: blueprint anti-affinity server group
42c12d7 Remove old SSH specific config options from sample config
71c98e7 Fix health monitor URL in API documentation
90c465e Add a request timeout to the REST API driver
fb7e835 Change HMAC compare to use constant_time_compare
4b45a10 Add listener stats API
6cd2ca5 Add L7 documentation
2fabcab Add L7 jinja template updates
fbc4a0a Add L7 controller worker flows and tasks
e4bdb86 Add L7 api - rules
efeb204 Add L7 api - policies
240560b Update repos for L7 rules / validations
da57069 Update repos for L7 policy / methods
038cd18 Add L7 database structures
1b992d1 Assign peer_port on listener creation
24ef5c9 Fix model update flows
2c50fd6 Trivial: cleanup unused conf and log variables
07b8c19 Reduce devstack build time by properly using pip caches
044535c Remove unused `paramiko`
0e0b77b Update flake8 exclude
cc32f27 Fix improper egress security rule deletion
05b3f7d Fixed make sure to get IPv4 value by awk in sample local.sh file
c1aeec1 project_id should not be UUIDType in API validation
c31781b Stop using non-existent method of Mock
92046a4 Update data model conversion to be more complete
2e23ede Fix LB status updates
d1c41e8 Improve test case test_upload_certificate_md5
042dfd4 Fix amphora failover after health monitor start
ab83f5c Fix deleted amphora expiration check
2a0a094 Delete SSH amphora driver
15fdc0e Fix hacking rule of assert_equal_or_not_none
3879917 Stop logging amphora cert generation in debug
3cb4738 Fixes an intermittent load balancer delete failure
460db13 Octavia: API docs Entity Status Fix
025ec00 Allow user-data on amphora creation
4193191 Reverts a workaround that is impacting amp updates
c887461 Adding "region and endpoint_type" parameters to barbican_acl.py
6e51606 Do not use __builtin__ in python3
22097dc Adds a parameter to specify endpoint type
c7d8f12 Fix / and /v1 API uris
12828aa Use netifaces constants correctly in testing
0e78993 Remove dead code around certificate handling
cc48f6e Revert "Fix for ssl context wrapper spam", add warning filter
02528f5 Fixes Octavia flows that are not reverting
4a460b3 Remove out-dated README file
be8fa11 Default api_handler to queue_producer
c3e97b7 Shared pools support
c7f88bb Updates the failover flow for active/standby
2c2be96 Fix for ssl context wrapper spam
2966629 Fix event_queue entry in setup.cfg from EventStreamer break
a2f02d3 Add SubjectAltName and KeyUsage for localcertgen
206f573 Fix misspellings
b688c55 Use uppercase 'S' in word "OpenStack"
2d87bdb Replace depcrecated Nova networks with Nova interfaces
2409316 Add endpoint override conf option for neutron and nova
63111ac Fixes Octavia Amphora RHEL based images
9bf1d0a Amphora Create now fails when amphora goes into ERROR status
e09563d Fix minor typo in warning message
ea6fb75 Optimizations for tempest tests
54e8113 Fixes intermittend udp heartbeat test failure
4c96356 Add service name conf option for neutron and nova
6d7bb98 Let drivers decide to use region or not
65ab10a Use signing digest defined in config to sign CSR
158bb0d Make sample web server close connections
87c0cf4 Add APP_COOKIE session persistence type
259538d Change the length of name in the algorithm
ae9dc12 Fix typo in migration README.rst
c84021a Implementing EventStreamer
1e29270 Fix a typo in the comment
d5f48e6 Disable amphora health monitoring on amp delete
1f5031f Remove unused logging import
226eaa5 Fix database_tasks log formating
9fc9eea Make Barbican the default certificate manager
32ebac9 Make pool.lb_algorithm field larger
2564f40 Case-sensitive string checking for Enum fields
caecc4f Fix updating session persistence of a pool in DB
8c3e2e1 Disable default haproxy process in amphora image
080f610 Fix a problem of memebrs not deleted from pool
90dc020 Add debug testenv in tox
39aa0f8 Fixed revert of update LB
436ae33 Remove OpenSSL from cert_parser
fc5f1d3 Replace deprecated library function os.popen() with subprocess
7e2b178 Fix some inconsistency in docstrings
8e24232 Setup health manager networking for devstack
e035cc0 Fix minor inconsistency in models code
e0dff5a Move docstrings to the first line of the function definition
5dedb6c Assign load_balancer in _port_to_vip()
835566e Test: make enforce_type=True in CONF.set_override
4a6e5a3 Make Consumer an oslo_service
cd5a50a Fixes gate failure 'update_stats' called 0 times
12b1e57 Fix sysctl settings for amphora image
f340cdc Use keystoneauth to prevent logging sensitive data
230c9b8 Database repository delete to use one()
ce21995 Make Octavia devstack pass env settings to sudo pip install
1d0b76e Expose project_id in octavia api
e260341 Rename tenant_id in the network models to project_id
608d0a3 Optimize Taskflow storage (remove some requires parameter)
52351a5 Refactor BarbicanAuth to allow for configurable auth method
8e31a1d Allow choice of upstart or sysvinit
969f811 Rename tenant_id to project_id
4c9e5aa Fix db error when running python34 Unit tests
d80256e Add missing unit tests for cw/tasks/network_tasks
13dec23 Add nopreempt support for active/standby
8c741ba Add reno for release notes management
80865ff Add backport  keepalived
6ef2cbb Un-pin the amphora-agent version
58cda71 Amphora Flows and Drivers for Active Standby
d2072ae Anchor support to Octavia
19c7f93 Add cert tracking and rotating in Housekeeping
900e8a5 Fix api_server agent test that broke due to a dep change
3d1f10b Unify constants usage in flows tests
e60244b Fix a test order issue with oslo_config fixture
5a9835c Stop nova driver delete failure on already deleted
b7f1dbc Fixes interface_file jinja misconfiguration
2c2baa9 Add unit tests for cmd/house_keeping
21058fa REST Amp Agent: Handle interfaces file too
d5e0811 Add Guru Meditation Report feature
48cc768 Get rid of unused dependencies in requirements.txt
6e66ba5 Get rid of unused dependencies in test-requirements.txt
b985826 pyasn1 and pyasn1-modules modules no more needed
0d0853f Make amphora ssh access configurable
a36f8f2 Fix a problem building spare amphora
f9cfd2c New local certificate generator uses local time
88a62cf Use assertIs(Not)None instead of assert(Not)Equal
76e1e02 Removes the use of mutables as default args
456a07f Update HACKING.rst to reflect real syntax checks
1b20470 Fix log message formatting that cause log errors
e2453a0 Consumer start log appears at appropriate time
4d12d47 Update Octavia’s Operator API Docs
5b4e4d8 chmod +x on local.sh to allow it to be executed by stack.sh
afbade3 Launch consumer without calling oslo messaging wait
604ea75 Swap out pyOpenSSL for cryptography in LocalCertGenerator
bbe1c9c Use oslo_config PortOpt type for port options
f7a540b Set Hacking rules to check some tests assert
cf12ba9 Stop checking if listener exists when uploading cert
734d61c Change assertTrue(isinstance()) by optimal assert
a0cc839 Use oslo_config IPOpt support
ef04c7c Revert "Add Pillow to docs-requirements.txt"
241c2bb Revert "Bypass listener check on cert deploy during create"
e54a68c Bypass listener check on cert deploy during create
58899d9 REST Amp Agent: Compare lower case MAC Addresses
963491a Fixes TLS processing in the rest driver
6ff8907 Adds cert_manager option to octavia.conf
dd561d1 Fix argument order for assertEqual
7525101 Use assertTrue instead of assertEqual(True, ***)
319c523 Use assertIn and assertNotIn
f931d7c Mock module import standardisation
887012f Add environment varible to skip amp image build
0ac47cf Fixing help string for octavia.conf option
4ffa5b6 Fixes missing testresource dependency
cf79c70 Minor restructuring of documentation tree
cf19171 Add .eggs/ to .gitignore
811f7a5 Adding init.d script
6f7c635 Change amphora_id to compute_id in compute drivers
93f84e0 Unify constants usage in taskflow flows
c287c9f Improve logging in octavia.controller
3d91ce4 Improve logging in octavia.common
c656da7 Improve logging in octavia.amphorae
eccb447 Improve logging in octavia.api
76437fd Improve logging in octavia.network
6f16648 Improve logging in octavia.cmd
e7eaba1 Improve logging in octavia.certificates
dd1e3c0 Replace wrong Nova references to Compute ones
d41599e Add Pillow to docs-requirements.txt
fc2e5b9 Update some release related texts
44f7131 Remove oslo-incubator files
33ca8f3 Unify constants usage final instalment
01abc3f Allow drivers to be overridden for devstack
0c80a3b Get noop drivers to function within flows

Diffstat (except docs and test files)

.gitignore                                         |    4 +
HACKING.rst                                        |   18 +-
README.rst                                         |   13 +
devstack/plugin.sh                                 |   47 +-
devstack/samples/local.conf                        |   21 +-
devstack/samples/local.sh                          |    7 +-
devstack/samples/webserver.sh                      |    5 +-
devstack/settings                                  |    6 +
diskimage-create/README.rst                        |    2 +-
diskimage-create/diskimage-create.sh               |   31 +-
elements/amphora-agent-ubuntu/README.rst           |    3 +
elements/amphora-agent-ubuntu/element-deps         |    1 +
.../install.d/75-run_setup_install                 |   13 +
.../source-repository-amphora-agent                |    2 +
elements/amphora-agent-ubuntu/svc-map              |    2 +
.../amphora-agent/install.d/75-run_setup_install   |    2 +-
.../configure.d/20-haproxy-tune-kernel             |   47 -
.../post-install.d/20-disable-default-haproxy      |    6 +
.../post-install.d/20-haproxy-tune-kernel          |   31 +
.../configure.d/20-haproxy-tune-kernel             |   47 -
.../post-install.d/20-disable-default-haproxy      |    7 +
.../post-install.d/20-haproxy-tune-kernel          |   31 +
elements/keepalived-octavia-ubuntu/README.rst      |    3 +
elements/keepalived-octavia-ubuntu/element-deps    |    2 +
.../package-installs.json                          |    3 +
.../pre-install.d/00-backports                     |    7 +
elements/keepalived-octavia-ubuntu/svc-map         |    2 +
elements/keepalived-octavia/README.rst             |    3 +
elements/keepalived-octavia/element-deps           |    2 +
elements/keepalived-octavia/package-installs.json  |    3 +
.../post-install.d/20-enable-keepalived            |    6 +
elements/keepalived-octavia/svc-map                |    2 +
elements/no-resolvconf/README.rst                  |    9 +
.../finalise.d/99-disable-resolv-conf              |    7 +
elements/rebind-sshd/README.rst                    |    8 +
.../finalise.d/98-rebind-sshd-after-dhcp           |   11 +
elements/vrrp-octavia/README.rst                   |    3 -
elements/vrrp-octavia/element-deps                 |    1 -
elements/vrrp-octavia/install.d/77-vrrp            |    9 -
.../vrrp-octavia/source-repository-vrrp-octavia    |    2 -
elements/vrrp-octavia/svc-map                      |    2 -
etc/initd/amphora-agent                            |   67 +
etc/octavia.conf                                   |  154 +-
octavia/amphorae/backends/agent/agent_jinja_cfg.py |    3 +
.../backends/agent/api_server/amphora_info.py      |   26 +
.../backends/agent/api_server/keepalived.py        |  115 ++
.../amphorae/backends/agent/api_server/listener.py |  125 +-
octavia/amphorae/backends/agent/api_server/plug.py |    4 +-
.../amphorae/backends/agent/api_server/server.py   |   28 +-
.../agent/api_server/templates/haproxy.conf.j2     |   54 -
.../agent/api_server/templates/keepalived.conf.j2  |   67 +
.../templates/keepalived_check_script.conf.j2      |   26 +
.../agent/api_server/templates/sysvinit.conf.j2    |  217 +++
.../agent/api_server/templates/upstart.conf.j2     |   56 +
octavia/amphorae/backends/agent/api_server/util.py |   61 +-
.../agent/templates/amphora_agent_conf.template    |    4 +
.../backends/health_daemon/status_message.py       |    9 +-
octavia/amphorae/backends/utils/haproxy_query.py   |   12 +-
octavia/amphorae/drivers/base.py                   |    0
octavia/amphorae/drivers/driver_base.py            |   55 +
octavia/amphorae/drivers/haproxy/exceptions.py     |   14 +-
octavia/amphorae/drivers/haproxy/jinja/__init__.py |    0
.../amphorae/drivers/haproxy/jinja/jinja_cfg.py    |  270 ---
.../drivers/haproxy/jinja/templates/__init__.py    |    0
.../haproxy/jinja/templates/haproxy_base.template  |   33 -
.../jinja/templates/haproxy_listener.template      |   27 -
.../jinja/templates/haproxy_loadbalancer.template  |   29 -
.../jinja/templates/haproxy_proxies.template       |   95 -
.../amphorae/drivers/haproxy/rest_api_driver.py    |  110 +-
octavia/amphorae/drivers/haproxy/ssh_driver.py     |  310 ---
octavia/amphorae/drivers/health/heartbeat_udp.py   |    7 +-
octavia/amphorae/drivers/keepalived/__init__.py    |    0
.../amphorae/drivers/keepalived/jinja/__init__.py  |    0
.../amphorae/drivers/keepalived/jinja/jinja_cfg.py |   97 +
.../drivers/keepalived/jinja/templates/__init__.py |    0
.../jinja/templates/keepalived_base.template       |   56 +
.../drivers/keepalived/vrrp_rest_driver.py         |   92 +
octavia/amphorae/drivers/noop_driver/driver.py     |   25 +-
octavia/api/app.py                                 |    2 +-
octavia/api/root_controller.py                     |    3 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/__init__.py             |    5 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/base.py                 |   64 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/health_monitor.py       |  183 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/l7policy.py             |  185 ++
octavia/api/v1/controllers/l7rule.py               |  169 ++
octavia/api/v1/controllers/listener.py             |  183 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/listener_statistics.py  |   57 +
octavia/api/v1/controllers/load_balancer.py        |  171 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/member.py               |  165 +-
octavia/api/v1/controllers/pool.py                 |  235 ++-
octavia/api/v1/handlers/abstract_handler.py        |    2 +
.../v1/handlers/controller_simulator/handler.py    |  224 ++-
octavia/api/v1/handlers/queue/producer.py          |   36 +
octavia/api/v1/hooks.py                            |   16 +-
octavia/api/v1/types/base.py                       |   28 +-
octavia/api/v1/types/health_monitor.py             |   10 +-
octavia/api/v1/types/l7policy.py                   |   84 +
octavia/api/v1/types/l7rule.py                     |   57 +
octavia/api/v1/types/listener.py                   |   44 +-
octavia/api/v1/types/listener_statistics.py        |   25 +
octavia/api/v1/types/load_balancer.py              |   26 +-
octavia/api/v1/types/member.py                     |    2 +
octavia/api/v1/types/pool.py                       |   55 +-
octavia/certificates/common/auth/__init__.py       |    0
octavia/certificates/common/auth/barbican_acl.py   |   50 +
octavia/certificates/common/barbican.py            |   34 +-
octavia/certificates/common/cert.py                |    2 +-
octavia/certificates/generator/anchor.py           |   68 +
octavia/certificates/generator/barbican.py         |  111 --
octavia/certificates/generator/local.py            |  192 +-
octavia/certificates/manager/barbican.py           |   61 +-
octavia/certificates/manager/cert_mgr.py           |   13 +-
octavia/certificates/manager/local.py              |  167 --
octavia/cmd/agent.py                               |    7 +-
octavia/cmd/api.py                                 |    7 +-
octavia/cmd/haproxy_vrrp_check.py                  |   64 +
octavia/cmd/health_manager.py                      |   13 +-
octavia/cmd/house_keeping.py                       |   34 +-
octavia/cmd/octavia_worker.py                      |   18 +-
octavia/common/clients.py                          |   86 +-
octavia/common/config.py                           |  253 ++-
octavia/common/constants.py                        |  150 +-
octavia/common/context.py                          |    5 +-
octavia/common/data_models.py                      |  338 +++-
octavia/common/exceptions.py                       |   72 +-
octavia/common/jinja/__init__.py                   |    0
octavia/common/jinja/haproxy/__init__.py           |    0
octavia/common/jinja/haproxy/jinja_cfg.py          |  334 ++++
octavia/common/jinja/haproxy/templates/__init__.py |    0
octavia/common/jinja/haproxy/templates/base.j2     |   35 +
.../common/jinja/haproxy/templates/haproxy.cfg.j2  |   41 +
octavia/common/jinja/haproxy/templates/macros.j2   |  204 ++
octavia/common/jinja/templates/__init__.py         |    0
.../templates/user_data_config_drive.template      |   34 +
octavia/common/jinja/user_data_jinja_cfg.py        |   41 +
octavia/common/keystone.py                         |    9 +-
octavia/common/service.py                          |    2 -
octavia/common/tls_utils/cert_parser.py            |   82 +-
octavia/common/utils.py                            |    8 +-
octavia/common/validate.py                         |  200 ++
octavia/compute/compute_base.py                    |   38 +-
octavia/compute/drivers/noop_driver/driver.py      |  114 +-
octavia/compute/drivers/nova_driver.py             |  149 +-
octavia/controller/healthmanager/health_manager.py |   10 +-
octavia/controller/healthmanager/update_db.py      |  262 +++
.../healthmanager/update_health_mixin.py           |  179 --
.../controller/healthmanager/update_serializer.py  |   47 +
.../controller/healthmanager/update_stats_mixin.py |   69 -
octavia/controller/housekeeping/house_keeping.py   |   36 +-
octavia/controller/queue/consumer.py               |   31 +-
octavia/controller/queue/endpoint.py               |   52 +-
octavia/controller/queue/event_queue.py            |   71 +
octavia/controller/worker/controller_worker.py     |  456 +++--
octavia/controller/worker/flows/amphora_flows.py   |  386 +++-
.../worker/flows/health_monitor_flows.py           |   28 +-
octavia/controller/worker/flows/l7policy_flows.py  |   73 +
octavia/controller/worker/flows/l7rule_flows.py    |   73 +
octavia/controller/worker/flows/listener_flows.py  |   61 +-
.../controller/worker/flows/load_balancer_flows.py |  253 ++-
octavia/controller/worker/flows/member_flows.py    |   30 +-
octavia/controller/worker/flows/pool_flows.py      |   41 +-
.../worker/tasks/amphora_driver_tasks.py           |  160 +-
octavia/controller/worker/tasks/cert_task.py       |    5 +-
octavia/controller/worker/tasks/compute_tasks.py   |  145 +-
.../controller/worker/tasks/controller_tasks.py    |   45 +-
octavia/controller/worker/tasks/database_tasks.py  |  678 +++++--
octavia/controller/worker/tasks/model_tasks.py     |    3 +-
octavia/controller/worker/tasks/network_tasks.py   |   68 +-
octavia/db/base_models.py                          |   87 +-
octavia/db/migration/alembic_migrations/README.rst |    2 +-
...09101b9b_add_server_group_id_to_loadbalancer.py |   38 +
...c1d83044c_keepalived_configuration_datamodel.py |   85 +
.../versions/29ff921a6eb_shared_pools.py           |   76 +
.../43287cd10fef_make_pool_lb_algorithm_larger.py  |   43 +
.../versions/458c9ee2a011_l7_policies_and_rules.py |  149 ++
..._add_cert_expiration__infor_in_amphora_table.py |   37 +
.../6abb04f24c5_tenant_id_to_project_id.py         |   40 +
octavia/db/models.py                               |  200 +-
octavia/db/prepare.py                              |  142 ++
octavia/db/repositories.py                         |  412 +++-
octavia/hacking/checks.py                          |  127 +-
octavia/network/data_models.py                     |   12 +-
octavia/network/drivers/neutron/README             |    3 -
.../drivers/neutron/allowed_address_pairs.py       |  116 +-
octavia/network/drivers/neutron/base.py            |   21 +-
octavia/network/drivers/neutron/utils.py           |   10 +-
octavia/network/drivers/noop_driver/driver.py      |   45 +-
octavia/openstack/__init__.py                      |    0
octavia/openstack/common/__init__.py               |    0
octavia/openstack/common/_i18n.py                  |   45 -
octavia/openstack/common/cache/__init__.py         |    0
octavia/openstack/common/cache/backends.py         |  250 ---
octavia/openstack/common/cache/cache.py            |   92 -
octavia/opts.py                                    |    1 +
.../backend/agent/api_server/test_server.py        |  169 +-
.../agent/api_server/test_server_sysvinit.py       |  709 +++++++
.../functional/api/v1/test_listener_statistics.py  |   37 +
.../backends/agent/api_server/test_keepalived.py   |   48 +
.../backends/agent/api_server/test_listener.py     |   62 +-
.../backends/agent/api_server/test_plug.py         |   35 +
.../backends/agent/api_server/test_utils.py        |   37 +
.../backends/agent/test_agent_jinja_cfg.py         |  126 +-
.../backends/health_daemon/test_envelope.py        |    4 +-
.../backends/health_daemon/test_health_daemon.py   |    8 +-
.../backends/health_daemon/test_health_sender.py   |    6 +-
.../amphorae/drivers/haproxy/jinja/__init__.py     |    0
.../drivers/haproxy/jinja/test_jinja_cfg.py        |  300 ---
.../drivers/haproxy/test_rest_api_driver.py        |  158 +-
.../amphorae/drivers/haproxy/test_ssh_driver.py    |  331 ----
.../amphorae/drivers/health/test_heartbeat_udp.py  |   55 +-
.../unit/amphorae/drivers/keepalived/__init__.py   |    0
.../amphorae/drivers/keepalived/jinja/__init__.py  |    0
.../drivers/keepalived/jinja/test_jinja_cfg.py     |  105 +
.../drivers/keepalived/test_vrrp_rest_driver.py    |   64 +
.../test_noop_amphoraloadbalancer_driver.py        |   29 +-
.../unit/api/v1/handlers/queue/test_producer.py    |   63 +-
.../unit/api/v1/types/test_health_monitors.py      |    9 +-
.../unit/certificates/common/auth/__init__.py      |    0
.../certificates/common/auth/test_barbican_acl.py  |   61 +
.../unit/certificates/common/test_barbican.py      |   58 +-
.../unit/certificates/generator/test_anchor.py     |   48 +
.../unit/certificates/generator/test_barbican.py   |   74 -
.../unit/certificates/generator/test_local.py      |  186 +-
.../unit/certificates/manager/test_barbican.py     |  114 +-
.../unit/common/jinja/haproxy/test_jinja_cfg.py    |  407 ++++
.../unit/common/jinja/test_user_data_jinja_cfg.py  |   55 +
.../unit/common/sample_configs/sample_configs.py   |  418 +++-
.../unit/common/tls_utils/test_cert_parser.py      |   31 +-
.../compute/drivers/test_compute_noop_driver.py    |   32 +-
.../healthmanager/test_health_manager.py           |    8 +-
.../controller/healthmanager/test_health_mixin.py  |  361 ----
.../controller/healthmanager/test_update_db.py     |  504 +++++
.../healthmanager/test_update_serializer.py        |   39 +
.../healthmanager/test_update_stats_mixin.py       |   72 -
.../controller/housekeeping/test_house_keeping.py  |   82 +-
.../controller/worker/flows/test_amphora_flows.py  |  323 +++-
.../worker/flows/test_health_monitor_flows.py      |   34 +-
.../controller/worker/flows/test_l7policy_flows.py |   67 +
.../controller/worker/flows/test_l7rule_flows.py   |   67 +
.../controller/worker/flows/test_listener_flows.py |   54 +-
.../worker/flows/test_load_balancer_flows.py       |  216 ++-
.../controller/worker/flows/test_member_flows.py   |   33 +-
.../controller/worker/flows/test_pool_flows.py     |   44 +-
.../worker/tasks/test_amphora_driver_tasks.py      |  187 +-
.../unit/controller/worker/tasks/test_cert_task.py |    2 +-
.../controller/worker/tasks/test_compute_tasks.py  |  230 ++-
.../worker/tasks/test_controller_tasks.py          |   47 +-
.../controller/worker/tasks/test_database_tasks.py |  665 ++++++-
.../controller/worker/tasks/test_model_tasks.py    |    9 +-
.../controller/worker/tasks/test_network_tasks.py  |  127 +-
.../controller/worker/test_controller_worker.py    |  605 ++++--
.../drivers/neutron/test_allowed_address_pairs.py  |   58 +-
.../network/drivers/test_network_noop_driver.py    |    6 +-
openstack-common.conf                              |    6 -
releasenotes/notes/.placeholder                    |    0
.../add-shared-pools-and-l7-ef9edf01bb9058e0.yaml  |   26 +
...e-tags-for-amphora-images-28bd9df1ed4b9ca3.yaml |    9 +
.../octavia-active-standby-cec5d2ad4fd214d8.yaml   |   19 +
releasenotes/source/_static/.placeholder           |    0
releasenotes/source/_templates/.placeholder        |    0
releasenotes/source/conf.py                        |  276 +++
releasenotes/source/index.rst                      |    9 +
releasenotes/source/liberty.rst                    |    6 +
releasenotes/source/unreleased.rst                 |    5 +
requirements.txt                                   |   70 +-
setup.cfg                                          |   14 +-
specs/template.rst                                 |    4 +-
specs/version0.5/active_passive_loadbalancer.rst   |  389 ----
specs/version0.5/controller-worker.rst             |    2 +-
specs/version0.5/tls-data-security.rst             |    2 +-
specs/version1/active_passive_loadbalancer.rst     |  389 ++++
specs/version1/design.rst                          |   82 -
.../version1/use_glance_tag_to_refer_to_image.rst  |  147 ++
test-requirements.txt                              |   21 +-
tox.ini                                            |   22 +-
322 files changed, 25092 insertions(+), 9369 deletions(-)

Requirements updates

diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index f8c023a..0ca772a 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -4,15 +4,13 @@
+alembic>=0.8.0 # MIT
+pecan>=1.0.0 # BSD
+pbr>=1.6 # Apache-2.0
+SQLAlchemy<1.1.0,>=1.0.10 # MIT
+Babel>=1.3 # BSD
+eventlet!=0.18.3,>=0.18.2 # MIT
+requests!=2.9.0,>=2.8.1 # Apache-2.0
+rfc3986>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystoneauth1>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+keystonemiddleware!=4.1.0,>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-neutronclient!=4.1.0,>=2.6.0 # Apache-2.0
+WebOb>=1.2.3 # MIT
+six>=1.9.0 # MIT
@@ -20 +18 @@ stevedore>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.config>=2.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.config>=3.7.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -22,5 +20,6 @@ oslo.context>=0.2.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.db>=2.4.1 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.i18n>=1.5.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.log>=1.8.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.messaging!=1.17.0,!=1.17.1,>=1.16.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.middleware>=2.8.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.db>=4.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.i18n>=2.1.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.log>=1.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.messaging>=4.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.middleware>=3.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.reports>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -28,2 +27,3 @@ oslo.rootwrap>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.serialization>=1.4.0 # Apache-2.0
-oslo.utils>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.serialization>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.service>=1.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+oslo.utils>=3.5.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -31,11 +31,7 @@ PyMySQL>=0.6.2 # MIT License
-Jinja2>=2.6 # BSD License (3 clause)
+python-barbicanclient>=3.3.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-glanceclient>=2.0.0 # Apache-2.0
+python-novaclient!=2.33.0,>=2.29.0 # Apache-2.0
+pyOpenSSL>=0.14 # Apache-2.0
+WSME>=0.8 # MIT
+Jinja2>=2.8 # BSD License (3 clause)
+taskflow>=1.26.0 # Apache-2.0
@@ -44,2 +40,2 @@ networkx>=1.10
+Flask<1.0,>=0.10 # BSD
+netifaces>=0.10.4 # MIT
@@ -47 +43 @@ netifaces>=0.10.4
-cryptography>=1.0 # Apache-2.0
+cryptography>=1.0 # BSD/Apache-2.0
diff --git a/test-requirements.txt b/test-requirements.txt
index b1b921d..13fab87 100644
--- a/test-requirements.txt
+++ b/test-requirements.txt
@@ -5,5 +5,3 @@ hacking<0.10,>=0.9.1
-requests-mock>=0.6.0 # Apache-2.0
-cliff>=1.14.0 # Apache-2.0
+requests-mock>=0.7.0 # Apache-2.0
+coverage>=3.6 # Apache-2.0
+mock>=1.2 # BSD
@@ -11,2 +9 @@ pyroute2>=0.3.10 # Apache-2.0 (+ dual licensed GPL2)
+python-subunit>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
@@ -14,3 +11,4 @@ oslotest>=1.10.0 # Apache-2.0
+testrepository>=0.0.18 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+testtools>=1.4.0 # MIT
+testresources>=0.2.4 # Apache-2.0/BSD
+WebTest>=2.0 # MIT
@@ -18 +16,2 @@ doc8 # Apache-2.0
+reno>=0.1.1 # Apache2
+bandit>=0.17.3 # Apache-2.0

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