[openstack-announce] OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Oct 10 – 17)

Stefano Maffulli stefano at openstack.org
Fri Oct 17 22:26:17 UTC 2014

      OpenStack Juno is here! <http://www.openstack.org/software/juno/>

OpenStack Juno, the tenth release of the open source software for
building public, private, and hybrid clouds has 342 new features to
support software development, big data analysis and application
infrastructure at scale. The OpenStack community continues to attract
the best developers and experts in their disciplines with 1,419
individuals employed by more than 133 organizations
<http://www.openstack.org/foundation/companies/> contributing to the
Juno release.

      Tweaking DefCore to subdivide OpenStack platform (proposal for
      review) <http://robhirschfeld.com/2014/10/16/defcore-platform/>

For nearly two years
<http://robhirschfeld.com/2013/07/22/kicking-off-core/>, the OpenStack
Board has been moving towards creating a common platform definition
that can help drive interoperability. At the last meeting
the Board paused to further review one of the core tenants of the
DefCore process (Item #3
<https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/CoreDefinition>: Core
definition can be applied equally to all usage models). The following
material will be a major part of the discussion for The OpenStack Board
meeting on Monday 10/20
Comments and suggest welcome!

        Forming the OpenStack API Working Group

A new working group about APIs is forming in the OpenStack community.
Its purpose is “To propose, discuss, review, and advocate for API
guidelines for all OpenStack Programs to follow.” To learn more read the
API Working Group <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/API_Working_Group>
wiki page.

      End of the Election Cycle – Results of PTL & TC Elections

Lots of confirmations and some new names. Thank you for all who served
in the past cycle and welcome to new OpenStack Tech Leads and members of
the Technical Committee.

    The Road To Paris 2014 – Deadlines and Resources

During the Paris Summit there will be a working session for the Women of
OpenStack to frame up more defined goals and line out a blueprint for
the group moving forward. We encourage all women in the community to
complete this very short survey <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/V39BL7H>
to provide input for the group.

  * Request an invitation letter for VISA
  * Reserve hotel rooms
  * The official Schedule for the Paris Summit is available

    Report from Events

  * OpenStack Workshop At Grace Hopper Open Source Day 2014
  * LinuxCon/KVMForum/CloudOpen Eu 2014
  * OpenStack @ LinuxCon Europe

    Relevant Conversations

  * OpenStack Instance HA Proposal
  * One week of Nova Kilo specifications
  * Should It Be Easy to Install OpenStack?
  * Multi-clouds integration by OpenStack cascading

    Tips ‘n Tricks

  * ByMichael Chapman: Build your own OpenStack distro using community
    Puppet modules <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJVl7qhdnZc>
  * By Jon Grimm
    OpenStack guest CPU topology configuration: Part one
    and Part two
  * By Oleg Gelbukh
    Upgrading OpenStack workloads: introducing Pumphouse
  * By Cameron Seader <http://blog.seader.us/search/label/OpenStack>:
    SUSE Cloud 4 OpenStack Admin Appliance; Updated
  * By Miguel Ángel Ajo <http://www.ajo.es/>: How to debug SE linux
    errors, and write custom policies <http://www.ajo.es/post/100147773734>
  * By Adam Young <http://adam.younglogic.com/>: Who can sign for what?
  * By Matt Farina <http://engineeredweb.com/tag/OpenStack%20Planet/>:
    Connecting to OpenStack in node.js with pkgcloud
  * By Florent Flament <http://www.florentflament.com/blog/>: OpenStack
    Swift Ring made understandable

    Security Advisories and Notices

  * Potential leak of passwords into log files (CVE-2014-7230,
  * Nova VMware driver may connect VNC to another tenant’s console

    Upcoming Events

  * Oct 21, 2014 OpenStack As An NFV Platform, Online Meeting
  * Oct 23, 2014 <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-LA/events/211212902/>
    OpenStack L.A. Meetup
    <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-LA/events/211212902/> Pasadena, CA,
    US <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-LA/events/211212902/>
  * Oct 25, 2014 <http://tech.rakuten.co.jp/> Rakuten Technology
    Conference <http://tech.rakuten.co.jp/> Tokyo, Japan
  * Oct 27, 2014 <http://openstack.jp/events/20141027.html> Japan
    OpenStack User Group Meetup
    <http://openstack.jp/events/20141027.html> Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JP
  * Oct 30 – Nov 01, 2014 <http://www.openworldforum.org/en/> Open World
    Forum <http://www.openworldforum.org/en/> Paris, France
  * Nov 03 – 07, 2014 <http://openstack.org/summit> OpenStack Summit
    November 2014 <http://openstack.org/summit> Paris, France
  * Nov 09 – 14, 2014 <https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa14> USENIX
    LISA <https://www.usenix.org/conference/lisa14> Seattle, WA
  * Dec 01, 2014 <http://openstack.jp/events/20141201.html> Japan
    OpenStack User Group Meetup
    <http://openstack.jp/events/20141201.html> Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JP
  * Dec 02 – 05, 2014
    <http://www.gartner.com/technology/summits/na/data-center/> Gartner
    Data Center Conference
    <http://www.gartner.com/technology/summits/na/data-center/> Las
    Vegas, NV <http://www.gartner.com/technology/summits/na/data-center/>

    Other News

  * Wiki.openstack.org now supports translations
  * The OpenStack Juno release: activity and organizations
  * OpenStack Summit interview series: the road to Kilo
  * OpenStack Goldilocks’ Syndrome: three questions to help us find our
    bearings <http://robhirschfeld.com/2014/10/15/openstack-goldilocks/>
  * Dive into the software-defined network ocean with OpenStack
  * OpenStack on Hyper-V – Icehouse 2014.1.3 – Best tested compute
  * Rackspace doubling-down on OpenStack Trove and Percona Server
  * Accelerating Science With OpenStack At Notre Dame
  * What’s New in Neutron for OpenStack Juno
  * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
    and full logs

    Got Answers?

Ask OpenStack <https://ask.openstack.org/> is the go-to destination for
OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers:

  * Neutron ML2: VM instances do not get IP via DHCP with Mellanox
  * How to extend the time allowed for overcloud create
  * How exactly do swift-bench timeouts work?
  * Openstack juno how to configure dvr in network-node and compute-node
  * How to load entry point for new ML2 driver plugin ?
  * Can I force an NTP sync in Swift hosts?
  * Icehouse: 3-node neutron setup – instances only ACTIVE if
    neutron-dhcp-agent started on controller

    Welcome New Reviewers, Developers and Core Reviewers

	Savanna Jenkins

Andrew Boik
	Marcin Karkocha

	Dmitry Nikishov

dominik dobruchowski
	Cory Benfield

	Richard Winters

Nikolay Fedotov
	vinod kumar

Imran Hayder
	Wayne Warren

Chaitanya Challa
	Carol Bouchard

Shaunak Kashyap
	pradeep gondu

Mudassir Latif
	Vineet Menon

Jiri Suchomel
	Evan Callicoat

	Edmond Kotowski

	Julien Anguenot

	Boris Bobrov

	Rajini Ram


	Martin Hickey

	Lena Novokshonova

	Jin Liu

	Hao Chen


/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the
various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add
content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please
leave a comment./

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