[Win The Enterprise-wg] San Antonio Operators Meetup Opportunity

Barrett, Carol L carol.l.barrett at intel.com
Tue Aug 12 17:25:22 UTC 2014

Team - On August 25 and 26th Rackspace is hosting an Operators Meetup.  This event gives people who run clouds a place to congregate, swap best practices, ideas and give feedback. It will have a round table/working/discussion session feel, with only a small number of presentations. The goals for this event are:
1.      Gather feedback on the issues that come up in running OpenStack and work to communicate this throughout the community
2.      Create a forum in which to share best practices and architectures between interested parties
3.      Increase constructive, proactive involvement from those running clouds

We've been offered a discussion slot on 8/25 to sit down with a subset of the Operators and engage them to help us on the next steps we've identified to help us better focus our efforts or be better prepared for Paris. I'd like to get your thoughts on how we could use this time. Here are a couple of thoughts:
1)      Pets vs Cattle: There's a team working to develop a model to change the dynamics around this topic and create an actionable approach to planning for deploying all types of workloads in an OpenStack cloud environment. We could test our model and approach to applying it to different workloads and ask the Operators to help us. We would use this information to shape the content in the session in the Enterprise IT Strategy track in Paris.
2)      There are Blueprints being drafted to address some of the identified gaps. We could use this session to gain feedback and help in focusing and refining Blueprints.
3)      Reference Architectures & Documentation: We could use this session to better define the set of reference architectures that would be most helpful for Operators. Get feedback on the 3rd party toolset we're thinking of covering. Also, could recruit Operators who would be willing to work with us on a reference architecture or white paper on their deployment.

I'm also interested in knowing if you are planning or would be interested in attending the Meetup and participating in our session.


Links to more information:
Tentative Schedule: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p7gCZcLhmYnMC_Ab2N23Nndy3pAnTmtvpBvcvaOZb0Q
Further details about sessions can be found on our planning etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SAT-ops-meetup
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/openstack-ops-mid-cycle-meetup-tickets-12149171499
Car Pool: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/SAT-ops-meetup-car-pool

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