[Women-of-openstack] Fw: Share your ideas for our Sydney WOO Networking lunch table talks

Jessica Murillo jessicak at us.ibm.com
Sat Oct 14 19:41:39 UTC 2017

Please continue to share your ideas for our WOO Sydney networking lunch
table talks here:

Jessica Murillo
Vice President, Open Systems Development
IBM Systems
jessicak at us.ibm.com
Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466
----- Forwarded by Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM on 10/14/2017 02:40 PM -----

From:	Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM
To:	women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org
Cc:	Jessica Murillo/Austin/IBM at IBMUS
Date:	10/02/2017 09:37 PM
Subject:	Share your ideas for our Sydney WOO Networking lunch table

Please share your idea for suggested table talks at our Women of OpenStack
Networking lunch on Tuesday, November 7, from 12:20-1:50pm. We'd love to
hear what YOU want to talk about. I've created this etherpad to track
ideas: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_Syndey_Networking_Lunch

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Jessica Murillo
Vice President, Open Systems Development
IBM Systems
jessicak at us.ibm.com
Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466
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