[Women-of-openstack] Meeting Reminder - 2/6/17

Nangia, Khanak khanak.nangia at intel.com
Mon Feb 6 20:31:10 UTC 2017

Hi All,

This is Khanak Nangia, a member of Intel OSIC Security Team, working in San Antonio, Texas.
I attended my first Women of OpenStack meeting today (leaving some audio glitches). It was great to hear you all and how you are planning for the Boston Summit.
Please let me know if I can help in anyway, would love to volunteer and hoping to meet in Boston :)


From: Maria Rita Villari <mvillari at us.ibm.com<mailto:mvillari at us.ibm.com>>
Date: Monday, February 6, 2017 at 8:49 AM
To: "women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org<mailto:women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org>" <women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org<mailto:women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org>>
Subject: [Women-of-openstack] Meeting Reminder - 2/6/17

Please join us for the Women of OpenStack meeting today Monday 2/6/17 at 12pm PST, 2pm CST and 3pm EST.

Dial-in info is: 1-203-277-8157 or 866-619-0383  Participant: 7217256# Leader 4018#
webex - URL: https://verizon2.webex.com/verizon2-en/e.php?MTID=m0e7ba518a2d4487bc0a78d00055f62e2

Etherpad is at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_02_06_17. Feel free to add new topics on today's agenda.


Maria Rita Villari
Program Manager
IBM Cloud, Open Cloud Technologies

E-mail:mvillari at us.ibm.com<mailto:mvillari at us.ibm.com>
4205 S Miami Blvd
Durham, NC 27703-9141
United States

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