[Women-of-openstack] [E] Women-of-openstack Digest, WOS Meeting time
Aimee Ukasick
aimeeu.opensource at gmail.com
Wed Nov 9 14:09:34 UTC 2016
With the US time change, I now have a conflict with the WOO meetings at
2000 UTC (3 EST/2CST/1MST/12PST). I have a standing, biweekly, internal
meeting at 3Eastern/2Central/1Mountain/NoonPacific (11/14, 11/28, 12/12,
etc), so since I haven't yet mastered being on 2 audio conferences at
once, I will miss most of the WOO meetings until US Daylight Savings
Time starts next Spring.
Aimee Ukasick - AT&T Open Source
On 11/8/16 11:27, Barrett, Carol L wrote:
> Here's the tool I use to figure out timezones: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
> Based upon the tool and the email responses it looks like our meeting time for the Ocata cycle will be: 2000 UTC; Noon Pacific; 3 PM Eastern.
> Beth: Can you update the meeting invite you've sent out?
> Thanks
> Carol
> -----Original Message-----
> From: beth.cohen at verizon.com [mailto:beth.cohen at verizon.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2016 9:10 AM
> To: women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [Women-of-openstack] [E] Women-of-openstack Digest, WOS Meeting time
> Folks -
> It looks like people want to change the time to keep it at 2000 UTC, which if I remember correctly, moves it to 4PM EST (not 3PM). I am OK with that.
> Beth Cohen
> NFV/SDN Network Product Strategy
> O +781-466-2055 | M +781-434-8553
> beth.cohen at verizon.com
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