[Women-of-openstack] Reminder: May 2nd Women of OpenStack meeting today at 2000 UTC

Jessica Murillo jessicak at us.ibm.com
Mon May 2 17:22:55 UTC 2016

It was great connecting with so many of you last week in Austin. Reminder:
we will have a Women of OpenStack meeting today. We will be discussing the
top outcomes of the working breakfast discussions and I hope that you are
able to attend.

Women of OpenStack
May 2, 2016, 2000 UTC

Dial In: 1-203-277-8157 or 866-619-0383  Participant: 7217256# Leader 4018#

Leader: Jessica Murillo
Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_5_2_16

Jessica Murillo
Vice President, Strategy
IBM Systems
jessicak at us.ibm.com
Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466
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