[Women-of-openstack] Call for Presentations NOW OPEN- OpenStack Summit Boston May 2017

Erin Disney erin at openstack.org
Wed Dec 14 16:57:59 UTC 2016

Hi Everyone-

The Call for Presentations is NOW OPEN <https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/call-for-presentations/> for the upcoming OpenStack Summit in Boston, May 8-11th! 

Hurry - the submission deadline is February 6, 2017 at 11:59PM PDT (February 7, 2017 at 6:59 UTC). 

If you are interested in becoming a track chair or nominating a colleague, the details on the selection process and track chair information can be found here <https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/call-for-presentations/selection-process>. January 18th is the deadline for track chair nominations <https://openstackfoundation.formstack.com/forms/openstack_summit_boston2017_track_chair_nominations>. 

Reminder: Proposed sessions must indicate a format: Panel or presentation. Each format has a maximum number of speakers associated. Panels are allowed a total of four speakers plus one moderator, whereas presentations are limited to two speakers. 

As a reminder, speakers are limited to a maximum of three submissions total. 

Contact speakersupport at openstack.org <mailto:speakersupport at openstack.org> with any submission questions. 

Attendee registration is now open <https://openstacksummit2017boston.eventbrite.com/>. Purchase your discounted early bird passes now. Prices will increase in mid March. 

Summit sponsorship sales also opened today, December 14, 2016 at 10:00am CT (16:00 UTC). You can now sign the electronic contract here <https://openstack.na1.echosign.com/public/esignWidget?wid=CBFCIBAA3AAABLblqZhDVm3Ed5_hJ8h7eWGpho7zDrpgXwAGfEEgX-Uq3eziXrwvH8sSfL7DjRiTxEp7zKsU*>. If you plan to sponsor both 2017 OpenStack Summits (Boston in May & Sydney in November), then check out page 4 of the Boston Summit Sponsorship Prospectus <https://www.openstack.org/assets/boston-summit/Boston-Sponsorship-Prospectus.pdf> for a special 15% discount on Sydney Summit sponsorship packages. Please note this only applies to companies who sponsor both the Boston Summit and Sydney Summit. Full details of the sponsorship signing process are outlined here <https://www.openstack.org/summit/boston-2017/sponsors/>. 

If you have any general Summit questions, contact us at summit at openstack.org <mailto:summit at openstack.org>. 

Erin Disney
OpenStack Marketing
erin at openstack.org <mailto:erin at openstack.org>

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