Hello! I'm excited to let everyone know that the "PTLs and Cores: We are Not as Scary as You Think - Sponsored by the Women of OpenStack" presentation has been scheduled for Tuesday 25 October at 5:05 pm. I hope to see everyone there! https://www.openstack.org/summit/barcelona-2016/summit-schedule/events/15499/ptls-and-cores-we-are-not-as-scary-as-you-think-sponsored-by-the-women-of-openstack Jessica Murillo and I are asking for suggestions on the PTLs and Cores that should be on the panel. We are looking for leaders who value diversity and inclusion and would offer a balanced view of what it takes to build technical eminence in the Community. Please everyone add your suggestions to this etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/WOS_PTL_Core_Suggestions Our goal is to create a fun panel that imparts a lot of great information on how to communicate effectively with PTLs/Cores as well as best practices for contributing. Feel free to add items you would like to see covered in this presentation to the etherpad above. Thanks everyone! aimee Aimee Ukasick AT&T