[Women-of-openstack] Women's Guide to Tokyo OpenStack Summit
Claire Massey
claire at openstack.org
Tue Oct 20 21:49:52 UTC 2015
Hi everyone,
We’ve already shared most of this information with you - but here’s a friendly reminder. Below and on the attached guide you will find the women-specific events that we’ve planned throughout the Summit. Please download and save this guide/map so that you can easily navigate yourself around the Summit Campus.
First time Summit attendees- we have a Friendly Faces Meet-up for you on Tuesday morning before keynotes. This is a great time to get connected with your fellow Women of OpenStack who are experienced Summit goers and know all the pro-tips. Sign-up HERE <https://ibm.biz/Women_of_OpenStack_Tokyo_Meetup>.
Diversity - it’s a hot topic in the OpenStack Community right now and only 11% of Summit attendees are women. It’s clear that we’re an underrepresented minority, so please speak up! We encourage you to attend the Diversity working group and following session on Tuesday afternoon to make your voices heard. We’re also encouraging the OpenStack community to use the hashtag #WeAreOpenStack on social media to promote the diversity and inclusivity of the OpenStack community. Please use this hashtag, share your pictures from the Summit and encourage your colleagues to do the same.
Directions & Maps - the Summit Campus is a little challenging to find - so please carefully watch, read and download the helpful directions HERE <https://www.openstack.org/summit/tokyo-2015/tokyo-and-travel/#hotels> before you fly. These directions will get you from the airports to the train station to the Summit Campus.
Make sure you kick-off the week by attending the Women of OpenStack Networking Happy Hour <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-of-openstack-networking-event-tokyo-summit-tickets-18935864681> on Monday evening. This is a great place to meet and mingle before the week gets hectic. BIG thank you to Intel and IBM for their continued sponsorship.
We wish you all a safe trip to Tokyo and look forward to seeing you soon!
All Women-Lead Summit Sessions - https://openstacksummitoctober2015tokyo.sched.org/?s=WOO <https://openstacksummitoctober2015tokyo.sched.org/?s=WOO>
Tables will be reserved for the Women of OpenStack each day (Tuesday - Thursday) in the Hot Buffet Lunch Room. Look for the flowers and ‘Reserved’ signs.
Kokushin room, PAMIR, Level 3 (Blue Bld #3 on maps)
Command Presence Workshop <http://sched.co/4Cce> Now at Max Capacity
9:30am - 12:30pm
Ogyoku room, Level 1 of PAMIR (Blue Bld #3 on maps)
Women of OpenStack Networking Event - RSVP HERE! <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-of-openstack-networking-event-tokyo-summit-tickets-18935864681>
RSVP Required, space is limited, nearing max capacity
Laputa Garden
Bus transportation provided from Level 1 of PAMIR (Blue, Bld #3 on maps)
Friendly Faces Meet-Up - first time summit attendees, this is for you!
7:00am - 7:45am, before morning keynotes
Komyo Lounge, Level 1 of the Grand Prince Hotel Takinawa (Orange, Blg #4 on maps)
During the Tokyo Summit the Women of OpenStack will be helping people to connect so you don’t have to wander the halls alone. This is a great opportunity to meet others and become more active in the community. If you’d like to be involved in this program please add yourself to this Google doc: https://ibm.biz/Women_of_OpenStack_Tokyo_Meetup <https://ibm.biz/Women_of_OpenStack_Tokyo_Meetup>
Diversity Working Group <http://sched.co/4Ffq>, 2:50pm - 3:30pm
Rooms N1/N2, Lower level (underground) in Sakura (Green, #5 Blg on maps)
Please join us for discussion on diversity topics in OpenStack community.
• Diversity working group update
• Results of diversity survey
• How you can help
Session: Let’s Talk About the Diversity of Our Community <http://sched.co/49vq>, 3:40pm - 4:20pm
Seigyoku room, Level 1 of PAMIR (Blue, Blg #3 on maps)
In Vancouver the OpenStack Board chartered a work group to explore and foster a diverse OpenStack Community. The basis for this is the belief that enlisting the broadest set of viewpoints and experience will enable us to create the most innovative and impactful technologies in support of the OpenStack Mission. A broad set of community members formed the Diversity Work Group that has worked over the Liberty cycle to form a framework for a diverse community through the creation of a Diversity Policy, integrated Diversity expectations into our Code of Conducts and identified initial areas of focus for extending the diversity of our community. Please come join us to discuss the team’s work and shape the future direction.
Working Breakfast Session <http://sched.co/4Cce>, 7:00am - 9:00pm, before morning keynotes
Zuiko room, Level 2 of PAMIR (Blue, Blg #3 on maps)
3rd Summit breakfast working session. We'll review what we have accomplished since the Paris and Vancouver Summits and hear lightning talks from two speakers who exemplify #WeAreOpenStack. Our first speaker, Xing Yang, is making a positive impact on OpenStack as a core Cinder and Manila contributor and our second speaker, Niki Acosta, is using her skills to grow the OpenStack ecosystem. We'll break into smaller groups to discuss the key lightening talk messages and identify actions for the Women of OpenStack to achieve over the next six months. Breakfast and coffee will be provided.
#vBrownBag Tech Talks <http://openstacksummitoctober2015tokyo.sched.org/type/#vbrownbag%23>, 11:15am - 6:00pm
Wakashiba room, Level 2 of PAMIR (Blue, Blg #3 on maps)
The majority of the Tech Talks scheduled on Wednesday have women presenters.
Tech Tools Lunch & Learn <http://sched.co/4RMg>, 12:45pm - 2:00pm
Zuiko room, Level 2 of PAMIR (Blue, Blg #3 on maps)
Prerequisite: Please have git and git-review installed on your laptops
Git and Gerrit are some of the essential tools in getting started with OpenStack software development. Git is a free and open source version control system. It allows many software developers to work on a given project without requiring them to share a common network. Gerrit is a free, web-based team code collaboration tool. Developers in a team can review each other's modifications on their source code using a web browser and approve or reject those changes. It integrates closely with Git. In this session we will walk-through participants to submit a test patch to a repository in OpenStack. The process involves learning about git along with a cheat sheet of most useful commands and review process in Gerrit. Participants will walk away with working knowledge on these tools.
Session: Overcoming Subtle Bias <http://sched.co/4A6U>, 11:50am - 12:30pm
Seigyoku room, Level 1 of PAMIR (Blue, Blg #3 on maps)
The Women of Openstack Working Group continues to go from strength to strength. With a record of over 600 women or 10% of the Vancouver Summit attendees, women are a growing and vocal presence in our extremely diverse community. Join this panel of women and minorities as we discuss the topic of subtle bias in the workplace and the OpenStack community and how to remove barriers to full participation in all aspects and roles. From PTL to code reviewer, there is a place for everyone to contribute to the fullest extent possible. Learn how to identify and overcome the subtle biases that can drag down even the most confident person.
• Identifying our own biases and tips for avoiding their influence
• Looking beyond the surface: First impressions and how they can sway even the most seemingly impartial decision
• On an IRC, everyone is equal: Using tools to level the playing field for everyone
• Establishing criteria to ensure fair treatment for all
Afternoon Women of OpenStack Sync, 4:00pm - 4:30pm
Momiji Lounge, Level 1 of New Takanawa (Red, #1 Blg on maps)
Join your fellow Women of OpenStack to sync up once more during the Summit and provide feedback on how your Summit experience is going thus far. Coffee and snacks will be provided. No RSVP required.
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