[Women-of-openstack] Meeting today

Foley, Emma L emma.l.foley at intel.com
Tue Nov 3 16:23:38 UTC 2015

I have nothing against non-technical people, and I meant no offence, but I'm looking at it from a different point-of-view than you are. Maybe my view is skewed, as the majority of the men I met were technical, and it seemed that the majority of the women I met were not technical. I got the feeling that technical women were highly underrepresented at the summit. I don't know what the over-all statistics were for technical/non-technical male/female overall, but I just saw the women as a majority non-technical group, and while there's nothing wrong with that, it would leave me feeling that being a technical women puts me in much more of a minority than I thought. i.e. I was expecting to find women in a similar role to myself.

It might also be to do with the fact that I expected a lot more technical people overall, as that is where I'm coming from, working in a technical team in a large company, where marketing and other non-technical people are kept separate to a great extent.

TLDR; My previous experience does not include a huge amount of collaboration with non-tech people, which skewed my expectations.

In general:
Tech people engage with tech people as they know the product on a different level to non-technical people. Same goes for non-tech, the marketing guy is not going to want to talk to the kernel engineer when talking about (e.g.) the newest distro, they'll just want to know about a feature at a high level, and not how many lines of code and what algorithms were used to implement the feature.

To address the problem of people being disappointed at meeting a marketing person at a booth:
    A technical person is going to want to talk tech, and will be expecting technical person (as well as marketing) to be available to answer their technical questions. I'm not saying a marketing person wouldn't be able to answer these, but the tech person would be better qualified to discuss the highly technical stuff, as it would be their area of expertise.

So don't be offended if I want to talk tech with other technical people, and was disappointed that I didn't find as many as I was expecting in the group. Any non-technical person would feel lost in a room of engineers.


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-----Original Message-----
From: Niki Acosta (nikacost) [mailto:nikacost at cisco.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 3:54 PM
To: Foley, Emma L; women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org
Subject: Re: [Women-of-openstack] Meeting today

This bums me out. Maybe I¹m taking this personally, but being ³disappointed" and following that with ³at least 50% of the women I met were in non-technical roles² makes it seem like women (like myself) are somehow less valuable or important because we¹re not technical contributors. Perhaps that is not your intent. Nevertheless, I wanted to share some thoughts on this subject, as it¹s come up quite a bit.

During a past summit, someone made a comment in a panel that they were ³offended² that someone came to the booth and thought they were ³in marketing.² A few women in the room took offense to that statement, and I understood why. It was as though marketers were somehow less important and less valuable than contributors and developers. A woman in the audience stood up, walked to the mic, and asked folks to stop saying ³they thought I was in marketing like it¹s a bad thing.² She was right. That exchange made me realize that subconscious bias exists even amongst women in the same group.

As women, we should support each other!

If it weren¹t for the brilliant women (and men) of OpenStack who share their expertise around public relations, social media, marketing, business development, branding, copywriting, communications, analyst relations, event planning, presentation authoring/coaching, and probably a whole lot of other stuff that I¹m probably forgetting, what would OpenStack look like? There would be no summit. There would be no Women of OpenStack events. There would be no SuperUser magazine or newsletter.There would be no ³We Are OpenStack² campaign. OpenStack would NOT EXIST.

At then end of each day, we¹re all human. We all have different skills, different talents, and different abilities. The cool part is that people from all around the globe are building something that is fundamentally changing humanity< something bigger than ourselves. And while the code and docs are created by technical contributors, the other side of OpenStack keeps that foundation strong and vibrant and growing. And that¹s pretty cool. 

Apologies if this offended anyone. That definitely was not my intent. My intent is to help us be more inclusive and embrace diversity< no matter what is printed on your badge.


Niki Acosta
Cloud Evangelist
(t) @nikiacosta 

On 11/3/15, 5:51 AM, "Foley, Emma L" <emma.l.foley at intel.com> wrote:

>I agree, while there was a record number of women attendees , I was 
>disappointed by the low number of women technical contributors! At 
>least 50% of the women I met were in non-technical roles.
>I did meet some great people there, but I was expecting many more 
>female ATCs, when there was a big fuss about the large number of women attending.
>Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 16:30:08 +0000
>From: Nithya Ruff <Nithya.Ruff at sandisk.com>
>To: "Barrett, Carol L" <carol.l.barrett at intel.com>, Amy Marrich
>        <Amy.Marrich at rackspace.com>,
>"women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org"
>        <women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org>
>Subject: Re: [Women-of-openstack] Meeting today
><BL2PR02MB4209D531715A9D9FBB94BD6F62C0 at BL2PR02MB420.namprd02.prod.outlook.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>I would like to suggest an agenda item for next week's meeting .  When 
>I retweeted the Women of OpenStack picture, I got a number of questions 
>on how many of the women in OpenStack are developers contributing code.
>They want role models in the community.
> Bitergia is a company that OpenStack foundation uses to create the 
>stats behind "the state of OpenStack".  Why not work with them on getting more
>information on women contributing patches to the various projects.     I
>would like to suggest we discuss this next time.
>Beth, Carol and Jessica - thanks again for your leadership and all the 
>work that the foundation does - Claire and others to make this a 
>thriving community.
>Thank You,
>Nithya A. Ruff,  Director, SanDisk Open Source Strategy Office WIN 
>Board Member SanDisk Corporation
>951 SanDisk Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035
>T: + (408-801-7068)| M: + (510-378-3159)
>Nithya.Ruff at SanDisk.com<mailto:Nithya.Ruff at SanDisk.com>        Twitter:
>Women-of-openstack mailing list
>Women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org

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