[Women-of-openstack] Meeting today

Claire Massey claire at openstack.org
Tue Nov 3 14:08:29 UTC 2015

HI All,

Here’s some data on the Tokyo Summit:

- 11% of Summit attendees were women - this is a slight increase from previous Summits. 
- 24% of these women attendees had the ATC designation printed on their name badges. I’m sure that many of the women who did not have ATC label printed on their badges also contributed to OpenStack in other ways or may have a technical role but did not contribute code to the recent release cycles and therefore did not receive the ATC designation. 

I personally did not witness any big fuss about the large quantity of women Summit attendees. Instead I noticed an acknowledgement that women are unfortunately still an underrepresented minority in the OpenStack community but progress is slowly and steadily being made to improve this lack of diversity. 


> On Nov 3, 2015, at 7:49 AM, Rainya Mosher <rainya.mosher at gmail.com> wrote:
> What was the official percentage of female attendees? At one point I heard 6%, which is lower than previous summits which, if I recall correctly, were between 9-11%. 
> The picture is great!!
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 5:52 AM Foley, Emma L <emma.l.foley at intel.com <mailto:emma.l.foley at intel.com>> wrote:
> I agree, while there was a record number of women attendees , I was disappointed by the low number of women technical contributors! At least 50% of the women I met were in non-technical roles.
> I did meet some great people there, but I was expecting many more female ATCs, when there was a big fuss about the large number of women attending.
> Regards,
> Emma
> ________________________________________
> Date: Mon, 2 Nov 2015 16:30:08 +0000
> From: Nithya Ruff <Nithya.Ruff at sandisk.com <mailto:Nithya.Ruff at sandisk.com>>
> To: "Barrett, Carol L" <carol.l.barrett at intel.com <mailto:carol.l.barrett at intel.com>>, Amy Marrich
>         <Amy.Marrich at rackspace.com <mailto:Amy.Marrich at rackspace.com>>, "women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org <mailto:women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org>"
>         <women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org <mailto:women-of-openstack at lists.openstack.org>>
> Subject: Re: [Women-of-openstack] Meeting today
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> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> I would like to suggest an agenda item for next week's meeting .  When I retweeted the Women of OpenStack picture, I got a number of questions on how many of the women in OpenStack are developers contributing code.  They want role models in the community.
>  Bitergia is a company that OpenStack foundation uses to create the stats behind "the state of OpenStack".  Why not work with them on getting more information on women contributing patches to the various projects.     I would like to suggest we discuss this next time.
> Beth, Carol and Jessica - thanks again for your leadership and all the work that the foundation does - Claire and others to make this a thriving community.
> Thank You,
> Nithya A. Ruff,  Director, SanDisk Open Source Strategy Office
> WIN Board Member
> SanDisk Corporation
> 951 SanDisk Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035
> T: + (408-801-7068)| M: + (510-378-3159)
> Nithya.Ruff at SanDisk.com<mailto:Nithya.Ruff at SanDisk.com <mailto:Nithya.Ruff at SanDisk.com>>        Twitter: @nithyaruff<https://twitter.com/nithyaruff <https://twitter.com/nithyaruff>>
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> -- 
> Rainya F. Mosher
> rainya.mosher at gmail.com <mailto:rainya.mosher at gmail.com>
> @rainyamosher | rainyamosher.com <http://rainyamosher.com/>
> Not all of us can save the world. Some of us have to make it worth saving. ~RFM
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