[Women-of-openstack] [HEAT][CEILOMETER] autoscaling

ICHIBA Sara ichi.sara at gmail.com
Fri May 29 11:34:20 UTC 2015

Hello ladies,

This is my first email to the women of openstack mailing list and I hope
I'll find some support here.

My name is Sara and i'm an engineering student In France. Right Now i'm
doing my final intership before graduation and I'm working on Openstack. I
need to scale some VMs based on CPU, RAM and Network workloads combined. I
started with basic things. Now my VMs can scale up and down based on CPU.
BUT when I try to connect them to a load balancer nothing works.

I really need to make this first step work.So for those of you who already
played with autoscaling, can you please provide me with clues , examples,
tutos I can use to do a first demo for my team?!

Looking forward to hearing from you,

P.S: find attached my templates
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