[Women-of-openstack] Summit Events - Vancouver 2015

Valerie Aurora valerie at adainitiative.org
Sat May 16 23:37:08 UTC 2015

On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 9:08 AM, Claire Massey <claire at openstack.org> wrote:

> Hello wonderful women of OpenStack,
> We look forward to seeing everyone who’s able to attend the Summit in
> Vancouver next week!  Below is a list of the women-specific events that we
> have planned.
> See you soon!
> *Ally Skills Workshop
> <https://adainitiative.org/2015/04/register-now-ally-skills-workshop-at-openstack-summit-2015/> lead
> by the Ada Initiative - Sponsored by the Women of OpenStack, 2:00-6:00pm*
> Help change the culture of open source to be more welcoming to women,
> newcomers, and people in marginalized groups. This workshop is designed to
> teach men simple, everyday ways to support women in their workplaces and
> communities. The workshop is primarily geared towards men participants and
> has a very limited capacity. Please encourage your male colleagues to
> apply
> <https://adainitiative.org/2015/04/register-now-ally-skills-workshop-at-openstack-summit-2015/>
> !

Hello again, wonderful women of OpenStack! I will be teaching the Ally
Skills Workshop, and thanks to your help, we are nearly at capacity. Thank

Claire and I would like to encourage a few more women to take the remaining
spots at the workshop. A crucial part of the workshop is women sharing
their knowledge and experiences (and men listening), and we would really
appreciate your help. If you were interested in attending but didn't want
to take up a spot, now is the time to register


Here are some things women in particular have said about attending this

"Hearing [my co-workers] discuss power and privilege in the workplace, and
the various "a­ha!" moments people had, were very encouraging and made me
feel heard and encouraged."

"I loved the open dialogue of this workshop, and the fact that it wasn't a
discussion of whether issues of sexism exist, but how to deal with the fact
that they do."

"It was a great workshop. I liked pretty much everything." (!!! not a

See you at one of the many great Women of OpenStack events next week!


Valerie Aurora
Director of Training

You can help increase the participation of women in open technology and
Donate today at http://adainitiative.org/donate/
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