[Women-of-openstack] Women of OpenStack working session summary and next steps
Rainya Mosher
rainya.mosher at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 19:02:56 UTC 2015
hihi Melissa,
I wasn't able to attend the working session in Vancouver (was in and out
pretty fast due to conflicts back home / office). One of the things you
might be able to contribute to is writing / documenting your journey of
"coming up to speed" as a newcomer to OpenStack. For many of us who have
been in the community for a while, it can be hard to remember back to those
early days when we were finding our way through the haze. And those early
days were in some ways different than they are today -- less complex with
fewer people and projects to understand.
As you learn your way through OpenStack, what resources were the most
helpful? What questions did you have that you had to find a person to
answer (vs being able to read or watch a video)? What were the ramp up
elements that absolutely required a mentor-type person to be most effective
and what did you do to prepare yourself for the relationship so you could
get the most out of it?
There has been a lot of great work around "onboarding" into OpenStack over
the last several Summits. I've sensed and seen evidence of a desire to
create more mentors in the community, but it can be challenging for a
veteran Stacker to know how best to mentor a newcomer. So from my point of
view, a newcomer eager to help and *needing* to learn OpenStack for their
own professional livelihood seems like a great person to contribute to some
next steps there!
*Not all of us can save the world. Some of us have to make it worth saving.
- RFM*
On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 12:08 PM, Melissa Patterson <mpatterson at servosity.com
> wrote:
> Jessica,
> Thank you SO much for getting this together and the plan for Tokyo is
> looking amazing!! I would LOVE to help but I feel as if I'm on the other
> side of the spectrum, meaning I'm in the beginning stages of getting my
> hands into Openstack and would love to have a mentor/mentee relationship.
> My company has been endorsed by Openstack as the first to use their product
> for disaster recovery as a service so I feel we're on the break of
> something awesome so I am having to come up to speed pretty quickly on
> everything Openstack (which I am loving)! Is there anything for the
> "beginners" to help with in order to gain more knowledge or partner up with
> ladies who are the experts?
> Thanks again and I'm also looking forward to getting everyones input on
> the conversation.
> *Melissa Patterson*
> Servosity | http://www.servosity.com
> Toll Free: 800-429-0500
> Direct: 864-406-2029
> On Tue, Jun 2, 2015 at 2:24 AM, Jessica Murillo <jessicak at us.ibm.com>
> wrote:
>> Thanks for everyone who was able to join us at the Women of OpenStack
>> working session on May 19. A special thanks to our lightening talk
>> speakers: Valerie Aurora
>> <https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=5574129&authType=NAME_SEARCH&authToken=5PuI&locale=en_US&trk=tyah&trkInfo=clickedVertical%3Amynetwork%2Cidx%3A1-1-1%2CtarId%3A1432849164634%2Ctas%3Avalerie%20aur>,
>> Nina Goradia, and Madhura Maskasky <https://twitter.com/madhuramaskasky> for
>> sharing their experiences and inspiring our group discussions. If you have
>> not already seen the article, Allison Price from the OpenStack Foundation
>> has written a great summary of working session on Superuser:
>> *http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/how-to-get-more-women-involved-in-tech-communication-leadership-and-mentors*
>> <http://superuser.openstack.org/articles/how-to-get-more-women-involved-in-tech-communication-leadership-and-mentors>
>> After summarizing the group break out sessions there are very similar
>> themes to what we discussed during our Paris Summit working session. Key
>> areas of focus include:
>> 1. Developing women leaders
>> 2. Increasing the visibility of women in the OpenStack community
>> 3. Mentorship
>> 4. Building a strong communications channel for the Women of OpenStack
>> Several of you have asked, "What's next?" That is really up to us. We've
>> heard from many of you that you want the Women of OpenStack to continue to
>> work together between summits to address these key issues. To help
>> facilitate follow-on discussions I've included several volunteer sign up
>> sheets in addition to a full group summary in this google drive doc:
>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nu_0EperGdXIQifmjHiNVuB2RJb-5bVJkB9oRT-ExVw/edit#gid=0
>> The goal is for each volunteer group to come together as a team to
>> develop 1-2 key actions they want to accomplish leading up to the Tokyo
>> Summit. There has already been some great progress and discussion on
>> creating an IRC channel which was one of our communication follow-up
>> actions. I'm looking forward to what this group can accomplish in the other
>> areas as well.
>> Let me know if you have any questions, I am definitely looking forward to
>> continuing the conversation ...
>> Jessica Murillo
>> Vice President, Strategy
>> IBM Systems
>> Office Phone: 512-286-7691, T/L: 363-7691
>> Mobile Phone: 512-970-8466
>> jessicak at us.ibm.com
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