[Women-of-openstack] Call for Speakers - Vancouver OpenStack Summit

Claire Massey claire at openstack.org
Wed Jan 7 21:54:01 UTC 2015

Hi everyone,

The Call for Speakers is now open for the May 2014 OpenStack Summit in Vancouver.

We encourage you all to submit talks!

Submit talks HERE: https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2015/call-for-speakers <https://www.openstack.org/summit/vancouver-2015/call-for-speakers>.
Hurry - February 9 is the deadline.

Also, don’t miss this informative webinar hosted by your fellow Women of OpenStack - Anne Gentle, Niki Acosta and Diane Mueller.
 * Designing an OpenStack Summit Session Submission for Success
 * Thursday, January 15 at 11:00am CST
 * Register HERE: http://openstack.enterthemeeting.com/m/KCWPKB2X

Please continue to stay tuned to openstack.org/summit <http://openstack.org/summit> for updates and additional info.


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