[Women-of-openstack] Supercomputing 2015 Call for Presentations Deadlines Coming Up

Kathy Cacciatore kathyc at openstack.org
Tue Feb 10 22:07:14 UTC 2015

Now that you've all submitted your Vancouver Summit talks... 
OpenStack would like to participate in the Supercomputing 2015 event in Austin November 15-19.  HPC/Research is a strong workload for OpenStack with many users such as CERN, Argonne National Laboratories, NeCTAR at the University of Melbourne and many more.  We encourage OpenStack users to share the benefits you've gained from cloud computing on the conference agenda.  Please let me know if you are accepted to present or planning to attend.  Here are the submission links and deadlines for your convenience.  Thank you.
List of[  important dates ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/important-dates ).
[ Invited talk ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/invited-talks ) proposals are due on February 16.  
[ Tutorial ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/tutorial-submissions ) submissions due March 31.
[ Paper ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/technical-papers/ ) submissions due April 3.
[ Panel ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/panels ) submissions due April 25.
[ Posters ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/posters ), [ Birds-of-a Feather ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/birds-feather-sessions-bofs ), [ Emerging Technologies ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/emerging-technologies ), and [ Scientific Visualization and Data Analytics ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/scientific-visualization-showcase ) submissions are due July 31.  
[ Award nomination ]( http://sc15.supercomputing.org/program/awards ) deadlines range from April 24-July 1.
All of the above use a common [ web submission form ]( https://submissions.supercomputing.org/ ).


Kathy Cacciatore
Consulting Marketing Manager
OpenStack Foundation
1-512-970-2807 (mobile)
Part time: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 2pm US CT
kathyc at openstack.org

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