[User-committee] [Forum] [all] [Stable] OpenStack is "mature" -- time to get serious on Maintainers -- Session etherpad and food for thought for discussion

Lance Bragstad lbragstad at gmail.com
Fri May 18 21:02:47 UTC 2018

Here is the link to the session in case you'd like to add it to your
schedule [0].


On 05/17/2018 07:55 PM, Rochelle Grober wrote:
> Folks,
> The last session related to extended releases is: OpenStack is
> "mature" -- time to get serious on Maintainers
> It will be in room 220 at 11:00-11:40
> The etherpad for the last session in the series on Extended releases
> is here:
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-openstack-maintainers-maint-pt3
> There are links to info on other communities’ maintainer
> process/role/responsibilities also, as reference material on how other
> have made it work (or not).
> The nitty gritty details:
> The upcoming Forum is filled with sessions that are focused on issues
> needed to improve and maintain the sustainability of OpenStack
> projects for the long term.  We have discussion on reducing technical
> debt, extended releases, fast forward installs, bringing Ops and User
> communities closer together, etc.  The community is showing it is now
> invested in activities that are often part of “Sustaining Engineering”
> teams (corporate speak) or “Maintainers (OSS speak).  We are doing
> this; we are thinking about the moving parts to do this; let’s think
> about the contributors who want to do these and bring some clarity to
> their roles and the processes they need to be successful.  I am hoping
> you read this and keep these ideas in mind as you participate in the
> various Forum sessions.  Then you can bring the ideas generated during
> all these discussions to the Maintainers session near the end of the
> Summit to brainstorm how to visualize and define this new(ish)
> component of our technical community.
> So, who has been doing the maintenance work so far?  Mostly (mostly)
> unsung heroes like the Stable Release team, Release team, Oslo team,
> project liaisons and the community goals champions (yes, moving to py3
> is a sustaining/maintenance type of activity).  And some operators
> (Hi, mnaser!).  We need to lean on their experience and what we think
> the community will need to reduce that technical debt to outline what
> the common tasks of maintainers should be, what else might fall in
> their purview, and how to partner with them to better serve them.
> With API lower limits, new tool versions, placement, py3, and even
> projects reaching “code complete” or “maintenance mode,” there is a
> lot of work for maintainers to do (I really don’t like that term, but
> is there one that fits OpenStack’s community?).  It would be great if
> we could find a way to share the load such that we can have part time
> contributors here.  We know that operators know how to cherrypick,
> test in there clouds, do bug fixes.  How do we pair with them to get
> fixes upstreamed without requiring them to be full on developers?  We
> have a bunch of alumni who have stopped being “cores” and sometimes
> even developers, but who love our community and might be willing and
> able to put in a few hours a week, maybe reviewing small patches,
> providing help with user/ops submitted patch requests, or whatever. 
> They were trusted with +2 and +W in the past, so we should at least be
> able to trust they know what they know.  We  would need some way to
> identify them to Cores, since they would be sort of 1.5 on the voting
> scale, but……
> So, burn out is high in other communities for maintainers.  We need to
> find a way to make sustaining the stable parts of OpenStack sustainable.
> Hope you can make the talk, or add to the etherpad, or both.  The
> etherpad is very musch still a work in progress (trying to organize it
> to make sense).  If you want to jump in now, go for it, otherwise it
> should be in reasonable shape for use at the session.  I hope we get a
> good mix of community and a good collection of those who are already
> doing the job without title.
> Thanks and see you next week.
> --rocky
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> 华为技术有限公司 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
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> Rochelle Grober
> Sr. Staff Architect, Open Source
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> Email:rochelle.grober at huawei.com
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