[User-committee] [publiccloud-wg]Rocky PTG Planning Etherpad

Zhipeng Huang zhipengh512 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 11 08:38:34 UTC 2018

Hi Team,

I drafted an initial framework of the etherpad we could use for Rocky PTG
in Dublin. You are more than welcomed to provide input:

Zhipeng (Howard) Huang

Standard Engineer
IT Standard & Patent/IT Product Line
Huawei Technologies Co,. Ltd
Email: huangzhipeng at huawei.com
Office: Huawei Industrial Base, Longgang, Shenzhen

Research Assistant
Mobile Ad-Hoc Network Lab, Calit2
University of California, Irvine
Email: zhipengh at uci.edu
Office: Calit2 Building Room 2402

OpenStack, OPNFV, OpenDaylight, OpenCompute Aficionado
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