[User-committee] Time at the PTG

Jimmy McArthur jimmy at openstack.org
Tue Jan 9 21:09:35 UTC 2018

Sure. To clarify for the list, this is in regards to a potential next UC 
Meeting. :)

If it's a small group, we can definitely squeeze into a corner 
somewhere. If it's a full UC meeting, could probably use some boardroom 
type space.


Melvin Hillsman wrote:
> Thanks Jimmy!
> I will be the only UC person on site as it stands today, unless a) I 
> am not voted back in after the upcoming election and/or b) someone is 
> voted in, in addition to me, who will be in attendance. Either way, 
> after attending the last PTG, it seemed more time was available the 
> last two days for something like this since most project teams were 
> involved in heads down working sessions and less cross-project 
> communication. Personally I would like to get as much done as we can 
> in one or two days if the space is available but more importantly the 
> people are. I think that should be the deciding factor; I can devote 
> one or both of the last two days. Maybe two half days just so we are 
> not looking at each other all day for one or two :)
> P.S. I am ok with looking at all of you beautiful community people 
> just thinking about how painful it will may be for someone who does 
> not feel the same way.
> On Tue, Jan 9, 2018 at 2:50 PM, Jimmy McArthur <jimmy at openstack.org 
> <mailto:jimmy at openstack.org>> wrote:
>     Hi all -
>     Wanted to follow up on our PTG conversation.  Adding Kendall and
>     Erin from our the Foundation to the discussion.  They will need to
>     know how much space we need and for how many days/time periods.
>     Let me know what y'all are thinking.
>     Thank you!
>     Jimmy
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> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Melvin Hillsman
> mrhillsman at gmail.com <mailto:mrhillsman at gmail.com>
> mobile: (832) 264-2646

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