[User-committee] [publiccloud-wg] Missing features work session

Tobias Rydberg tobias at citynetwork.se
Fri Jan 5 14:01:41 UTC 2018

Hi everyone,

During our last meeting we decided to get together at IRC for a work 
session dedicated to get the "Missing features list" up to date, and 
take the fist steps converting items into a more official list at 
launchpad - where we have a project [1]. Would be awesome to see as many 
of you as possible joining this.

Where: #openstack-publiccloud
When: Wednesday 10th January 1400 UTC
Agenda: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/publiccloud-wg

This first effort of its kind is as you can see at the same time as 
bi-weekly meetings. Please send feedback of that, I'm happy to setup 
another session just like this - at a time that suites you better!

Hope to see you there!

Tobias Rydberg
Chair Public Cloud WG

[1] https://launchpad.net/openstack-publiccloud-wg

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