[User-committee] [LCOO] General Planning Session - Thursday 1400UTC

MCCABE, JAMEY A jm6819 at att.com
Wed Oct 25 16:22:40 UTC 2017

Next LCOO general meetup is Thursday 10/26 at 1400 UTC.  We will try to finalize plans for upcoming and first Topical Sharing session a key part of the LCOO strategy for year 2.  Anyone interested in coordinating your organizations efforts/projects with other LCOO members invited to participate.  Agenda in advance and the list of topical session can be viewed/added to at https://openstack-lcoo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LCOO/pages/18087937/2017.10.12+LCOO+General   As a reminder all future and past meetings planned and shown at: https://openstack-lcoo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LCOO/pages/8847424/Meeting+invites+notes  

 Jamey – LCOO Chair – jamemcc at gmail.com irc:jamemcc

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