[User-committee] [publiccloud-wg][passport] Minimal offer
Saverio Proto
zioproto at gmail.com
Fri Oct 20 07:57:54 UTC 2017
I am trying to figure out if entities like SWITCH and other NRENs /
Research institutions could participate to the passport program.
The initial feedback I had is positive, and we meet the requirements
for the minimum quota without problems.
But we cant open the free trial to the general public. The best we can
do is a free trial to the to the higher education sector globally. And
when I say "we" is not just SWITCH but the larger scientific
At this point I have to ask if this makes sense. Is it a reasonable thing ?
thank you for your feedback.
2017-10-19 17:57 GMT+02:00 Jean-Daniel Bonnetot
<jean-daniel.bonnetot at corp.ovh.com>:
> About the passport offering, we agreed on:
> * The message: "valid for at least XX resources on any participating public cloud for 1 month"
> * To avoid value comparison, agree on a minimal amount of resources a token would be valid (it's ok to offer more)
> (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/511252/1/doc/source/passport_program.rst)
> So here we have the message (XX ressources for a period of time) and the period (1 month).
> We need to define the minimal XX. Everybody can offer more of course.
> Let's try something like that:
> - As reference infrastructure, I propose this web app: https://www.openstack.org/software/sample-configs/#web-applications
> - As the first goal is to try OpenStack (APIs, fast delivery, features...) and not performances, let keep the smallest configuration
> - consider only the existing instances, not the auto-scaling ones
> - each nova instance is 1vCPU, 1GB RAM, 5GB disk
> - each cinder volume is 10GB
> - each swift repository is 10GB
> - consider special features as +1 instance, for example some of us don't have the LB feature
> - remove the bandwidth and traffic question from the minimal offer
> - remove the heat question too (that means metrics, triggers....)
> Some calculation latter, the minimal offer could be announced like that:
> - 8 vCPUs
> - 8GB RAM
> - 40GB for local storage
> - 20GB for remote block storage
> - 10GB for object storage
> => up and running for one month
> Is that ok for you?
> We can round up some values if you think it's better, and/or group some parts (like storage to simplify to 100GB of storage)
> So the final message from the foundation could be:
> 1. Valid for at least 8vCPUs, 8GB of RAM, 40GB of local storage, 20GB of remote block storage and 10GB of object storage on any participating public cloud for 1 month
> or
> 2. Valid for at least 8vCPUs, 8GB of RAM, 100GB of storage on any participating public cloud for 1 month
> Then to estimate your offer, you can just take reference infrastructure as describe previously and calculate the price for one month, or if your billing model match with 8vCPUs, 8GB or RAM... it's even more simple. Over that, offer what you want depending on your marketing strategy.
> How does it sound to you? Is it reasonable for your?
> Jean-Daniel Bonnetot
> ovh.com | @pilgrimstack
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