We had our most recent LCOO general meetup on Thursday 9/28 at 1400 UTC. We reviewed our 1st year Anniversary and 2nd year proposed new working model. See that in the interactive meeting agenda at https://openstack-lcoo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LCOO/pages/14652261. Item 2.3 in the notes column. As a reminder all future and past meetings planned and shown at: https://openstack-lcoo.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/LCOO/pages/8847424/Meeting+invites+notes For those who didn’t attend, a few asks: 1. Please let me know if you are still interested to be invited and participate and if so how we can better include you or your organization 2. If so, What do you think of the 2nd year proposed approach? Will it better facilitate participation by your organization? Any further suggestions? Jamey – LCOO Chair – jamemcc at gmail.com irc:jamemcc -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/user-committee/attachments/20171002/fbc312be/attachment.html>