[User-committee] Sydney Takeaways - UC

Doug Hellmann doug at doughellmann.com
Mon Nov 13 18:25:59 UTC 2017

Excerpts from Melvin Hillsman's message of 2017-11-14 04:59:24 +1100:

>    2. Operator midcycle integration into larger event/feedback ecosystem
>       - We have as a community made significant changes to ensure user
>       feedback getting in front of those working on the code earlier
> than before
>       and we have to be sure that we tie into that process as it is designed.
>       - Mexico City was an edge case of the past few midcycles that have
>       been community-led but gave great insight into worse case scenario; what
>       have we learned and what can we do better?
>       - How specifically can the Foundation Staff help - again the biggest
>       need is to ensure tying into bigger ecosystem

One way would be to coordinate the schedule a bit. The next mid-cycle
in Tokyo is the week after the PTG in Dublin. That will make it
challenging for someone to attend both. We probably don't have a
lot of overlap, but I would expect some (especially with the LTS
discussion this time). Spacing the events out in time, or placing
them physically closer together, would make cross-over easier.


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