[User-committee] [LCOO] Working Group 5/25

MCCABE, JAMEY A jm6819 at att.com
Wed May 24 14:12:40 UTC 2017

Tomorrow 5/25 at 1400UTC (7AM PT, 10AM ET, 3PM CET, 10PM Beijing, 11PM Seoul and Tokyo) is the next general meeting of the Large Contributing OpenStack Operators Working group.  Pages/notes/action items from past and agenda's for upcoming meetings can be found at https://openstack-lcoo.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=8847424   Meetings are held in Skype for Business Video (which has VOIP and Plain old-telephone access) and recorded in a shared page at the same time with the information for both accessible in the links above.  A calendar add is also available in each meeting page.  Pages are open for unauthenticated read but to participate, you need to have an Atlassian Cloud account so it can record who accessed and who contributed, but all are welcome.  Any questions please reach out to jamemcc at gmail dot com.  

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