[User-committee] [scientific] OpenStack research papers
Daniel Vladušič
daniel at vladar.org
Fri May 19 13:22:13 UTC 2017
Zenodo is getting more and more used from EU projects, participating in the Open Data pilot.
When I was researching space of external providers, that could fit the bill for open data storage, Zenodo looked best. It allows you to add data/papers in a complicated way (adding a lot of metadata) or alternatively, simply dump the data.
Also, do not forget automatic DOIs for uploads and the fact that Zenodo further supports harvesting of all content via the OAI-PMH protocol, if needed.
my 2cts,
On 19 May 2017 at 15:14:28, Doug Hellmann (doug at doughellmann.com) wrote:
> On May 19, 2017, at 7:01 AM, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch> wrote:
> I discussed with our scientific library people here at CERN and there is a service available for this (http://zenodo.org) if we wished to use it. It is available for academic papers and the foundation research output would qualify.
> I did a quick community registration for a test. Output is at https://zenodo.org/communities/openstack-papers/?page=1&size=20
That looks like an interesting tool, and I like the idea of using a separate service for this (rather than hosting something ourselves) because it also makes the papers more discoverable *outside* of our community.
I don’t know what the copyright rules are for papers like these. Is it OK for anyone to just upload PDFs, or are we expecting the authors will choose to do that? I had sort of envisioned non-authors also wanting to submit papers they found.
They seem to have an API but I don’t see an RSS feed we can add to planet.openstack.org. It’s open source, so I guess we could add that, either to zenodo or by creating a separate script.
> Tim
> On 19.05.17, 09:08, "Stig Telfer" <stig.openstack at telfer.org> wrote:
> Hi Tim -
> That sounds like a good idea and seems like a worthwhile activity for the Scientific Working Group. Most of the papers I’ve gathered over time are more about technologies (OVS, KVM, etc) than about OpenStack use cases. I don’t have much of a collection of “user story” papers - but I know some people to ask...
> I wonder how we could gather contributions, where this archive might be stored, how it could be publicised and how to achieve all this with minimal toil for WG members. At the high end I wonder if openstack.org could provide some form of dynamic content management system, in the same manner as the way user stories are handled. I think there’s potential here to do something useful.
> I’ve added an item for discussion at the next SWG meeting (next Wednesday).
> Best wishes,
> Stig
>> On 19 May 2017, at 07:28, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch> wrote:
>> Doug Hellmann and I had a quick chat during the summit on how we could highlight research work going on in OpenStack. We have various repositories of academic papers but I’m not aware of a specific OpenStack collection.
>> Does anyone have thoughts on how we can collect this together?
>> A typical example of a paper would be https://pos.sissa.it/archive/conferences/270/022/ISGC%202016_022.pdf
>> Tim
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