[User-committee] [Enterprise] Feedback for Enterprise WG

Yih Leong, Sun. yihleong at gmail.com
Wed Jun 14 16:27:52 UTC 2017

Hi all,

I am trying to collect feedback for Enterprise WG.

The mission of Enterprise WG is to identify barriers to Enterprise adoption
and deployment of OpenStack, through information from Enterprise Customers,
Operators, Users, Analyst, etc, and then partner with various stack-holders
to create and promote eBooks, customer testimonials, reference
architectures and solution guides, etc to educate and provide best
practices for current and future Enterprise Customers.

It is amazing that the Enterprise WG has reached a 3-year milestone at
Boston Summit. Over the past 3 years, we have achieved many accomplishment
contributed from various people/companies. These include (but not limited
to), Customer testimonials and whitepapers[1], Workload reference
architecture [2,3], Enterprise eBooks [4,5,6], Superuser articles [7],
Summit joint-presentation [8] and more, which aligned to our mission

A BIG thanks to everyone who has contributed to Enterprise WG in the past
(bcc in this email) especially from Intel, IBM, Dell/EMC, Huawei, HPE,
Rackspace, Red Hat, SUSE, Canonical, Hitachi, SAP, Oracle, Mirantis,
Midokura, Comcast, Walmart, T-Systems, Fidelity Investments, Unitas Global,
Gigaspaces, Tesora, Aptira, Computacenter, Athenahealth, and more (forgive
me if i missed any)

Moving forward, I would like to solicit feedback from anyone of you to
shape the future direction of Enterprise WG.
Are the material produced so far beneficial for you or your customers?
Any other gap that we are missing?
Is there any work that you are interested to collaborate with Enterprise WG?

If you are interested to participate/contribute to Enterprise WG, I would
encourage you to join our conference call [9] which currently scheduled on
weekly Tuesdays 1900 UTC.

Thank you very much.

Yih **Leong* *Sun, PhD.
Chair of Enterprise WG, 2017

[1] https://www.openstack.org/enterprise
[2] https://www.openstack.org/software/sample-configs
[3] https://github.com/openstack/workload-ref-archs/tree/master/doc/source
[4] https://www.openstack.org/assets/pdf-downloads/business-perspectives.pdf
[5] https://www.openstack.org/assets/path-to-cloud/
[6] https://www.openstack.org/assets/enterprise/OpenStack-
[7] http://superuser.openstack.org/
[8] https://www.openstack.org/videos/summits/
[9] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Enterprise_Working_Group#Team_Meeting
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