[User-committee] Ops and BoF sessions at the Summit / Forum

Blair Bethwaite blair.bethwaite at monash.edu
Mon Jul 10 12:32:20 UTC 2017

Hi all,

We use Ceph along with our OpenStack. At Summits gone by I've
typically participated in very well attended Ceph ops sessions. With
CephFS having been dubbed production-ready for over 6 months now, some
colleagues suggested proposing a CephFS BoF for OpenStack Sydney,
hence the message...

In Boston (coinciding with the beginning of the Forum) there wasn't a
Ceph ops session. There was however an entire Ceph Day co-located
(which was great by the way - kudos to whoever came up with the
OpenStack Summit + Open Source Days idea).

Still, a few regulars were sad to miss out on the real-time mailing
list experience you get in dedicated users/ops sessions like these. By
the time we realised there wasn't one on the schedule in was a bit
late (and unfortunately we couldn't use the free spots on the Thursday
as that would have clashed with the Ceph Day programme). Arguably the
organisers of the Ceph Day could/should have included a general
user/ops BoF/feedback session within that sub-programme - it looks
like there won't be any co-located Open Source Days in Sydney though,
so that point is somewhat moot this time around.

The purpose of this message is to figure out where this sort of stuff
belongs now in the new Summit format? It naturally seems to fit in the
Forum, but I think the way the Forum brainstorming was posed for
Boston and the fact it was the first go-around for the Forum meant
that no-one thought to propose these sorts of originally Ops-Summit

Am I right to wait for the Sydney Forum process to kick off or should
we be submitting something into the main call for presentations now?


Blair Bethwaite
Senior HPC Consultant

Monash eResearch Centre
Monash University
Room G26, 15 Innovation Walk, Clayton Campus
Clayton VIC 3800
Mobile: 0439-545-002
Office: +61 3-9903-2800

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