[User-committee] User Committee Meeting Action

Melvin Hillsman mrhillsman at gmail.com
Mon Jan 30 22:13:36 UTC 2017

Hey everyone,

I had the following: #action mrhillsman to clear up steps, dates and
Election Communication page

Just a few questions around this.

A. We discussed the election page and I want to clarify something:

  1. There looks to be confusion around the date nominations need to be
sent in. Under Timeline it says candidacy is open until February 10th but
under Candidates section it says nomination needs to be sent in by February

January 30 - February 10, 05:59 UTC: Open candidacy for UC positions
February 13 - February 17, 11:59 UTC: UC elections (voting)

...Self-nomination is common, no third party nomination is required. They
do so by sending an email to the user-committee at lists.openstack.org
mailing-list, with the subject: “UC candidacy” by February 3, 05:59 UTC.

Should February 3rd be changed to the 10th?

B. The section that states, "The electorate is requested to confirm their
email address in gerrit, review.openstack.org > Settings > Contact
Information > Preferred Email, prior to February 4, 2017 05:59"
  Should this date change as well?

C. There is a SuperUser article in the works; do we have a date on the
completion of this article should for example the day to submit nominations
is February 3rd making the timing really tight. Unless this article is more
explaining things with the expectation it is a future reference.
  Being written up by Shilla and reviewed by Tom?

I am ready to modify the page and submit the changes for review once I hear
back. If anything else needs to be modified I can do so as well but these
are the items we discussed.

Kind regards,

Melvin Hillsman
Ops Technical Lead
OpenStack Innovation Center

mrhillsman at gmail.com
phone: (210) 312-1267
mobile: (210) 413-1659

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