[User-committee] [LCOO] Intro to Large Contributing OpenStack Operators working group

MCCABE, JAMEY A jm6819 at att.com
Fri Feb 3 21:50:25 UTC 2017

Putting this out to the whole User and Operator Community.  Jay and Edgar have given us the opportunity to introduce and so we worked up the following.   Community feedback ideas and continued collaboration are welcome.  

The LCOO is a group of Multi-cloud Operators who are also development contributors (read we have staff who are project members and desire to jointly increase our participation in the project teams).  In general we will (just getting started) coordinate with each other and then through the Product Working Group User Story process https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam/User_Stories along with the other WG prepare things for the Project teams.  

Beyond the above, at UC suggestion from the Barcelona meetings we agreed to participate in all the working groups where we seem to have good collaboration opportunities. The goal would be to find common user stories and put our joint efforts together.   We have attended or at least compared notes with Telco/NFV, Massively Scalable and Enterprise WG and seem to be on good footing as to our common interests and differences.  We haven't yet with the LDT.  We intend to use the Product Working Group process and the upcoming new Forum and PTG pattern to merge efforts and communicate to the Devs including our own.  Here’s a little deeper insight (at least as LCOO sees it into our relationship with the other WG:

 - Telco/NFV - Massively Scalable -LCOO:  Jamey McCabe from LCOO has joined the Telco NFV Working Group as has Adrien of Massively Scalable and both are actively participating.  Our main objective there is to define a reference architecture for TelCo/NFV and OpenStack.  That would be a good input to potential future LCOO activities but not an item we are otherwise pursuing.  See and join us at: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/operators_telco_nfv/2017/ 
- Enterprise - LCOO: Megan Rossetti from LCOO is an established and active member in Enterprise and monitoring both for overlap. Reference Architectures in general are a topic there that as with Telco/NFV may support LCOO interests in the future. See: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Enterprise_Work_Group_Archives  and join: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Enterprise_Working_Group . 

 - Large Deployment Team:  The LCOO has not managed to connect/support LDT post Barcelona.  There was one meeting in December and we missed it.  Will be joining the February meeting: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/LDT 

 - Product Working Group: LCOO has been actively working with the PWG and seems the PWG has taken "LCOO under their wing" so we can bring our User Stories to the community/projects in an actionable fashion.  Andy Ukasick as the LCOO Roadmap (just getting started) lead has been the most active.  See and Join us at: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProductTeam

Beyond the desire to work with others seeking to increase their upstream dev team: In terms of what kinds of companies initially formed the LCOO, we purposely didn't aim at the Telco Operators space but rather at the "for own internal use but with needs for a multi-cloud" type of operators.  This was led largely by AT&T who gave the keynote talk in Austin largely on this subject with the call to action to like minded companies to join together.   It went from there.  We don’t' have prescriptive rules for who will join LCOO and probably can't and really not looking to group our members that tightly.  Anyone who thinks they fit the pattern and looking to join to help drive it along is welcome. 

As regarding our toolset though more of a status report about our formation: In the first 4 months of our WG - up until the Barcelona/Ocata Design Summit our goal was to identify commonality so that we could partner at the Summit.  We used meetings with Etherpads and e-mail and slack.   Now we are moving to a new phase where we hope to distill and publish a common roadmap and user stories to bring to the Queens development cycle.  For that purpose we've identified the Atlassian toolset (Confluence and Jira) as promising tools to help us accomplish that upfront process.  It's pretty exciting and once we are running well we'll be interested to share if other WG are interested.  We are following patterns we see at OPNFV and in OSIC and working to have them feed into and live well with the PWG user story process and OpenStack Infra toolset especially Gerrit.  The Atlassian cloud instance was donated to us by Atlassian since we are doing OpenSource work and the instance is open to view by anyone who establishes an Atlassian Cloud account.   We are aware it creates another sign on and investigated if it was possible to Federate with the Ubuntu One IdP which serves launchpad but seems that's not easy or likely.   

We welcome others who are part of working groups to chime in and let us know what has worked for them and help us.  We really appreciate the advice and support we've received so far.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Edgar Magana [mailto:edgar.magana at workday.com] 
Sent: Thursday, February 02, 2017 4:03 PM
To: openstack-operators at lists.openstack.org; user-committee at lists.openstack.org
Cc: MCCABE, JAMEY A <jm6819 at att.com>; UKASICK, ANDREW <au3678 at att.com>
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] Large Contributing OpenStack Operators working group?


I am including the WG chairs to make sure they answers your questions and addresses your concerns. 
In Barcelona the UC asked exactly the same questions and recommended to the co-chairs of the LCOO WG to work with the existing WG to identify overlapping activities and either to work together or go ahead with the WG if there were not overlapping on goals and deliverables. 

I will let the co-chairs to follow up yours questions. BTW. I do not think this topic should be posted in the openstack-dev mailing list. So, I will BCC it.

Andrew and Jamey,

Please, address these questions. Let’s work all together to make sure that we have all groups aligned and coordinated.



On 2/2/17, 12:14 PM, "Jay Pipes" <jaypipes at gmail.com> wrote:

    I was told about this group today. I have a few questions. Hopefully 
    someone from this team can illuminate me with some answers.
    1) What is the purpose of this group? The wiki states that the team 
    "aims to define the use cases and identify and prioritise the 
    requirements which are needed to deploy, manage, and run services on top 
    of OpenStack. This work includes identifying functional gaps, creating 
    blueprints, submitting and reviewing patches to the relevant OpenStack 
    projects, contributing to working those items, tracking their completion."
    What is the difference between the LCOO and the following existing 
    working groups?
      * Large Deployment Team
      * Massively Distributed Team
      * Product Working Group
      * Telco/NFV Working Group
    2) According to the wiki page, only companies that are "Multi-Cloud 
    Operator[s] and/or Network Service Provider[s]" are welcome in this 
    team. Why is the team called "Large Contributing OpenStack Operators" if 
    it's only for Telcos? Further, if this is truly only for Telcos, why 
    isn't the Telco/NFV working group appropriate?
    3) Under the "Guiding principles" section of the above wiki, the top 
    principle is "Align with the OpenStack Foundation". If this is the case, 
    why did the group move its content to the closed Atlassian Confuence 
    platform? Why does the group have a set of separate Slack channels 
    instead of using the OpenStack mailing lists and IRC channels? Why is 
    the OPNFV Jira used for tracking work items for the LCOO agenda?
    See https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__wiki.openstack.org_wiki_Gluon_Tasks-2DOcata&d=DwICAg&c=DS6PUFBBr_KiLo7Sjt3ljp5jaW5k2i9ijVXllEdOozc&r=G0XRJfDQsuBvqa_wpWyDAUlSpeMV4W1qfWqBfctlWwQ&m=haOSpIhsa6KyDvuhRFigFVTLrTJxJ1Zv3kfm0JwTTtY&s=kntt00JEwpizTxQus4U9FhnwF_7WicJ7oRncGmkYPGc&e=  for examples.
    4) I see a lot of agenda items around projects like Gluon, Craton, 
    Watcher, and Blazar. I don't see any concrete ideas about talking with 
    the developers of the key infrastructure services that OpenStack is 
    built around. How does the LCOO plan on reaching out to the developers 
    of the long-standing OpenStack projects like Nova, Neutron, Cinder, and 
    Keystone to drive their shared agenda?
    Thanks for reading and (hopefully) answering.
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