[User-committee] Let's talk Edge Computing at OpenDev, next week in San Francisco

Claire Massey claire at openstack.org
Mon Aug 28 18:00:20 UTC 2017

Interested in Edge Computing? *Next week* join us for OpenDev <http://www.opendevconf.com/>, a collaborative working event at DogPatch Studios in San Francisco, September 7-8. 

Register here <https://www.eventbrite.com/e/opendev-2017-edge-computing-tickets-35579171259>. Tickets are just $100 for the two-day event. 

OpenDev will feature Edge use case demos from Verizon, AT&T and eBay in addition to updates from industry pioneers including Satya <https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~satya/bio.html> from Carnegie Mellon who’s doing cutting “edge” research. Participating groups include OpenStack, Open Edge Computing, ETSI MEC, OPNFV, Kubernetes and others. 

Program committee includes Beth Cohen (Verizon) Kandan Kathirvel (AT&T), Chris Price (Ericsson), Andrew Mitry (Walmart) and Gregory Katsaros (Inmarsat). 

As cloud architectures continue to evolve, compute is being pushed to the Edge in telecom, retail, research and other industries. This represents a huge opportunity for open infrastructure, so we’re meeting to talk about how to assemble and integrate the components needed to meet Edge requirements.

The event is designed to facilitate collaboration at a technical level with productive, working group discussions, in addition to lightning talk presentations on Edge use cases. There will be a range of working sessions led by moderators who dive into specific topics. Topics like managing security, what control planes need to look like, networking technologies in play, deployment considerations, zero touch provisioning and others. The discussions will be technical and specific—this is not meant to be a vision or thought leadership event, but a practical step forward in improving the state of Edge across open tech. View the schedule line-up here <http://www.opendevconf.com/schedule/>. 

This important event is proudly sponsored by Intel, Ericsson and OpenStack Foundation.

Questions? Contact events at openstack.org <mailto:events at openstack.org>.
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