[User-committee] China UnionPay to build the Financial Working Group of OpenStack Foundation

Edgar Magana edgar.magana at workday.com
Mon Aug 21 21:02:14 UTC 2017

Dear Zulijun,

Thank you so much for your hard work preparing the OpenStack Financial Team proposal. I gladly inform you that the User Committee have approved your request. You can find the details of the vote in our meeting logs:

Let me know if there is something else that we can work together, we are all looking forward to working with you and meeting you in person during the OpenStack Summit in Sydney.

Edgar Magana
OpenStack UC Chair

From: "zulijun at unionpay.com" <zulijun at unionpay.com>
Date: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 at 6:23 AM
To: "user-committee at lists.openstack.org" <user-committee at lists.openstack.org>
Subject: [User-committee] China UnionPay to build the Financial Working Group of OpenStack Foundation


User committee. This email is from China UnionPay. we are requesting to build a work group.  The programe mission for this group is to coordinate users, service providers and developers to find and fill the gap for OpenStack adoptions in financial industry. You can find the charter from enclosed file.

China UnionPay
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