[User-committee] [UC Candidacy] - Nominating myself :P

Bruno Morel bmorel at inap.com
Wed Aug 9 16:14:25 UTC 2017

Hi fellows,

It’s probably too late but still, on the recommendation of a fellow Australian, I would still to try to propose my candidacy as an UC chair.

So, here is my pitch :)

Currently Senior Software Development Director at INAP​ (certified Open ​Stack public cloud)​.
I’m leading our efforts to fine-tune OpenStack, and especially its bare metal use cases, to our customer needs. We currently use Open ​Stack to manage 5 datacenters around the world with more than 25k baremetal server (managed by Ironic! :): New York, San Jose, Dallas, Singapore and Amsterdam.
I’ve been doing web software at scale ​in production for more than 15+ years.

Member of OpenStack since 2012, I’ve attended all summits since then and participating in multiple working groups (AppEco-WG, AppDev-WG, Hackathon-WG, PublicClouds-WG​, etc)​.  I've continously contributed to the community by​ giving talks sharing our use cases and resources everywhere I could.
In that capacity, the Australian (aka David Flanders) could testify of my strong willingness to push the community forward, or as he would say: “developers, developers, developers, can you stop blabing about developers???!!! ” (joking, he would not, he loves devs).
​​One of my contribution which I am most proud (​alongside my amazing co-​investigators)​ ​is a​ framework ​and dataset we developed to compare the​ cost-model of Open​Stack clouds (private and public) against AWS ​[1]. Shout out to my fellow contributors: Bruno, Jean-Daniel and Rico! Please do get in touch if you are a developer who likes to hack on fiscal datasheets :)​

These days, I’m spending more of my focus on seeing how OpenStack can complement and augment container technologies for today *real* developer ​needs. I also strongly believe the future of OpenStack community depends upon *diversity* and *inclusion* in all their dimension, especially since, as the largest ‘OpenSource infrastructure’ project on the planet, we are at the crossroad ​for solving all future Open computing problems. I KNOW as a community that we already have the sophistication and visibility to be at the forefront of the global Open Source conversation and help other communities get​ 'healthier ​at scale'​. We must join this conversation by talking about our ability to integrate and exchange our code/ideas with other Open Source communities (Linux, Apache, OCI and the wild west of GitHub!), and we will be enriched by those communities’ uniqueness​.  We will become stronger by using the *best* OpenSource solution from all OpenSource communities.  Together we are better (and more​ ​bulletproof) to the mountain of challenges we are all facing as the Open Source community: Open wins through democracy in action.

As an elected UC chair, I'll do my utmost to continually ask simple questions and give fair and honest answers​.​ ​I want to focus on 2 ​key questions​ that are dear to me:
​(1) ​How can we improve diversity and inclusion so it is easier to integrate and exchange ideas/code with the best Open Source developers and users in the world?
​(2) ​How can we make Open Stack the easiest and best tool in a developer arsenal to complement modern software orchestrated patterns for all around awesomeness?”
The OpenStack community is already great...but the time​s, they are ​a-changin’... and unfolding at a scary frantic pace – it’s time to double our efforts and make ​ our community even greater!

Let me know if there’s any next steps :)


Bruno Morel

From: David F Flanders <flanders at openstack.org>
Date: Tuesday, August 8, 2017 at 5:11 PM
To: Bruno Morel <bmorel at inap.com>
Subject: Re: [User-committee] UC Election - Looking for Election Officials

Push to the UC mailing list, ping Edgar, Melvin or Tom when you do so :)
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