[User-committee] UC Candidacy-Robert Wen from EasyStack

文禹翔 yuxiang.wen at easystack.cn
Fri Aug 4 06:14:31 UTC 2017

Here comes a kind reminder~



Best Regards. 顺颂商祺

Robert Wen 文禹翔
Senior Marketing Director 高级市场总监

o   +86 10 8565 9301
m  +86 13601393436
yuxiang.wen at easystack.cn

在 2017-08-02 14:16:24,"yuxiang.wen at easystack.cn" <yuxiang.wen at easystack.cn> 写道:

Dear committee,

May I apply for the user committee pls? 

I take care of EasyStack marketing, has rich engagement with foundation and community:
- I am the gold representitive since 2015
- engagement to link China Unionpay to apply Superuser; hosted China Linkage meeting for unionpay, EasyStack with Jonathan, Mark, Lauren, Heidi, etc. 
- active member of working groups in China
- volunteer of OpenStack Day China organizer; owner and speaker of OpenStack meetups

I am delicated to contribute to community and help with bulding stronger connection to the large enterprise customers especially in China, the very fast growing OpenStack market. 

Kindly let me know if I am not express it in a right way. Many thx.

Best Regards. 顺颂商祺

Robert Wen 文禹翔
Senior Marketing Director 高级市场总监

o   +86 10 8565 9301
m  +86 13601393436
yuxiang.wen at easystack.cn

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