[User-committee] Public Cloud Working Group
serverascode at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 15:49:10 UTC 2016
On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 3:02 AM, Sean Handley
<sean.handley at datacentred.co.uk> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’d like to propose a working group for public cloud operators to help
> deliver features across projects that support the needs of OpenStack public
> cloud operators:
> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/PublicCloudWorkingGroup
I no longer work at a public cloud, but if I was I would think this
group to be very important.
I think there is a class of what I would call regional public clouds,
all around the world the world, and I think these are important
organizations worth supporting as much as possible. Speaking as
someone who used to work at one, it is invaluable to have peers to
discuss similar issues with. I would be very surprised if any of these
regional clouds feel as through they are fully staffed, and in fact
are often quite small. The ability to band together to solve common
problems and implement common solutions is extremely powerful, and I
think exactly what a working group would do.
Further, I do believe there is enough difference in the requirements
of a public cloud versus a private one to ensure that this working
group will have sufficient work. Private clouds can often (not always,
but often) solve problems by telling their users not to do something,
"it's against company policy", or even not supporting the feature,
whereas that is harder in a public cloud. Even the simple difference
of the fact that their APIs are available on the Internet is a
considerable change from a typical, IMHO, private cloud. Those are
just a couple examples. Certainly some would disagree with me, but I
feel there is fairly substantial difference between running a private
cloud and a public one.
My $0.02,
> Cheers,
> Sean Handley.
> DataCentred Limited registered in England and Wales no. 05611763
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