[User-committee] [Cloud App Community] FWD: Barcelona Cloud App Community Conversations...
David F Flanders
flanders at openstack.org
Wed Oct 19 07:11:26 UTC 2016
Is your job/remit the next six months all about 'cloud apps'? Here are
some people with whom you should have a chat (see email chain below as
Thanks to all the 'Cloud App Lab Pros' (Cc'd) who have been replying with
ideas for how to push forward the 'cloud app community' this next cycle.
It is very exciting to know how many of you have jobs which are focused on
advancing cloud app tech.
It would be great to hear more updates here on the UC mailing list - as
One suggestion (thanks Tim) which I think has real merit is to arrange
'power chats' with key community leaders who share an interest in a 'cloud
app' topic.
Accordingly, I have created an ad hoc (*OPTIONAL*) chat schedule to suggest
who might want to talk to whom re various 'cloud app' topics. I've
tentatively listed all of you (Cc'd) on this schedule[1], though please
tweet each other beforehand to confirm your availability as I'm merely
suggesting who I think should have chats (time allowing).
Naturally, anyone who wants to participate in one of these 'ad hoc cloud
app chats' are most welcome to show up as per these *suggestions* (please
feel free to edit this schedule here as you see fit[1]):
Cloud App Topics List w/ Twitter Handles (please do suggest other topics):
==> Latin American Cloud App Community Event Planning @vkmc @trukutrun
==> European Cloud App Community Event Planning @code_sean @jenk_s @ada_sko
==> AsiaPac Cloud App Community Event Planning @ricolintw @JoannaHHuang
@AnniLai @iGene
==> Cloud App Hackathon roadmap (a cloud app superbowl ;-)@emaganap
@jenk_s @carol
==> A 'cloud app' communication channel (for us by us) @Jimefloresp
@JakubPav @ricolintw @AlexLocher
==> Public datacenters (OpenStack-powered) and their approached to building
up their cloud apps capabilities:@Squidboylan @PetterLundKNA
@BrunouyVanMorel @PilgrimStack
==> Cloud app catalogues, registries and where the interoperable cloud apps
are emerging/centralising: @AlexLocher @docaedo @Martin_Paulo
==> Coporate strategy, and connecting the cloud apps top down with the
bottom up: @annegentle @peterscraig @patifa @Carol
==> Plug & play cloud apps for end users (not just tech savvy users):
@BrunouyVanMorel @IgorMarnat @Martin_Paulo
==> SDKs/APIs which AppDev & AppEng like to use: @CraigSterrett
@code_sean @BrunouyVanMorel @AnneGentle
Again, this is entirely an *optional* activity intended to help connect
more of you whose jobs/remit are focused on cloud apps.
Please make sure to tweet one another in advance to confirm, ideally using
the #CloudApp hashtag so others might join as well.
Anyone who is not listed please do say 'hi' and let me know how I can get
you engaged (it's my job).
I believe 2017 is going to finally start to see more widespread examples of
'cloud apps' in the real world, as well as more apps
Can't wait to see you all, very soon the fun begins!!!
Bon Viatge,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: RE: Barcelona Cloud App Leaders Lounge (and Training Labs).
To: adam skotnicky <adam.skotnicky at tcpcloud.eu>, "Flores Perez, Jimena" <
jimena.flores.perez at intel.com>, Alena Holanova <alena.holanova at tcpcloud.eu>,
Bruno Morel <bmorel at internap.com>, Caleb Boylan <caleb.boylan at dreamhost.com>,
Christopher Aedo <doc at aedo.net>, Gonzalo De La Torre <
gonzalo.delatorreparra at utsa.edu>, Igor Marnat <imarnat at mirantis.com>, Jakub
Pavlik <jakub.pavlik at tcpcloud.eu>, "Joanna H. Huang" <joanna at aptira.com>,
jsantos at redhat.com, "Fox, Kevin M" <kevin.Fox at pnnl.gov>, "Marcela Bonell
Manjarrez (marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com)" <
marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com>, Martin Marian Paulo <
martin.paulo at unimelb.edu.au>, Petter Lund <petter.lund at citynetwork.se>,
Sean Handley <sean.handley at datacentred.co.uk>, Serg Melikyan <
smelikyan at mirantis.com>, Tim Dettrick <t.dettrick at uq.edu.au>, Victoria
Martinez de la Cruz <vkmc at redhat.com>, "Anne Gentle (agentle)" <
agentle at cisco.com>, "Barrett, Carol L" <carol.l.barrett at intel.com>,
berendt at betacloud-solutions.de, "Sterrett, Craig" <craig.sterrett at intel.com>,
Craig Peters <cpeters at mirantis.com>, Edgar Magana <edgar.magana at workday.com>,
Everett Toews <everett.toews at rackspace.com>, Lachlan Evenson <
lachlan.evenson at gmail.com>, "Sun, Yih Leong" <yih.leong.sun at intel.com>,
Michael Krotscheck <krotscheck at gmail.com>, Michael Jenkins <
md.jenkins at icloud.com>, "Montenegro, Patricia" <
patricia.montenegro at intel.com>, Ricardo Carrillo Cruz <
ricardo.carrillo.cruz at gmail.com>, Steve Gordon <sgordon at redhat.com>, Susan
Wu <susan at midokura.com>, "Diaz, Victor H" <victor.h.diaz at intel.com>,
Stefano Maffulli <stefano.maffulli at dreamhost.com>
Dear Esteemed Cloud Application Leaders,
Hope you are all getting excited for Barcelona, I know I am!
As all of you know, the summit week is not enough time to have all the
convos required. However, I know all of you have an interest in the 'cloud
app' conversation. Accordingly, below are a list of times at the summit
which are 'open & unplanned' so we all have time with one another to
discuss our essential ideas for a cloud app future.
Open & unplanned cloud app community activities as follows:
Mon PM through to Thurs PM: All of you should have now received an invite
to participate in the 'cloud app labs lounge' as a 'cloud app pro'. This
is a space with open seating and self-paced labs with the goal of
attracting new cloud app community members. As to, your details and skills
listed on this deck of slides which will be shown at the summit
throughout. Any spare time you have to help recruit and direct new cloud
app community members is greatly appreciated.
Monday 6pm: if @everyone could plan on kicking off the summit by making
the 'cloud app lab lounge' your first stop in the marketplace. I'm hoping
to introduce many of you to one another and help seed conversations so that
you might roam the marketplace sharing future cloud app ideas?!
Tues & Wed: There are several User Committee and Working Group sessions
which I would encourage you to attend so as to put forward the work you
have planned for this next cycle.
Thursday Lunch: the 'cloud app hackathon' alumni (Taipei & Guadalajara)
will be joining us in the Foundation lounge to do interviews and answer
questions for anyone who is interested in running a hackathon in
collaboration with the community.
Thursday afternoon: The finale of the 'cloud app labs' where we will put on
dedicated training and have some fun all trying to solve the different
cloud app lab challenges together - prizes and laughs for everyone!
Friday we'll plan on having drinks at a bar somewhere to decompress - which
we'll coordinate via Twitter, keep an eye on the usual hashtags: #OpenStack
#AfterStack #CloudApp etc
Monday evening is perhaps the most important cloud app gathering from the
above list, as I'd like to see if we can get you all together in the same
space for some rapid introductions to one another.
Naturally, there are dozens of other planned activities which are dedicated
to 'cloud apps' and I would highly encourage you all to 'reply all' to this
email and let one another know about activities you are running.
Greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
On Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 8:56 AM, David F Flanders <flanders at openstack.org>
> Dear Esteemed Cloud Application Leaders,
> If I may introduce you all to one another as the people whom I believe
> have the potential to be the leaders of the forthcoming Cloud
> Application Engineering community. To help support the emergence of
> this community, the Foundation is going to start carving out space at
> the bi-annual summits where like minded cloud application engineers
> like yourself can meet, discuss and guide this burgeoning
> community[1].
> In Barcelona we will prototype a space in the main marketplace called
> "Cloud App Labs" - this space will be be multi-purpose: a.) a place
> for leaders like you to discuss and plan how the cloud app community
> should grow. b.) a place to recruit application developers and
> application engineers towards our shared cause, and c.) a place to
> train one another in the latest cloud application skills.
> Accordingly, I would like to invite each of you to make this space
> your "home base" in Barcelona - a place to come and propose what we
> need to achieve over the next six months on our way to Boston to start
> building a wider cloud application community across all our companies
> and across all open clouds.
> In addition, we are currently in the process of putting together some
> basic "lab challenges" which anyone can stop-by and 'have a go' at
> testing their cloud application skills. Most of these challenges are
> based on the shade sdk, however we are very keen to see several
> different kinds of "cloud app labs" emerge. Please do contact me
> directly to suggest a lab challenge if you have one in mind.
> Further info on the 'cloud app lab' space to follow, please stay tuned
> for further announcements via the user-committee mailing list.
> If you do know of anyone whose day-to-day is bound to open cloud apps
> in anyway please do pass on their name, so we can provide invite to
> them.
> Kind Regards,
> Flanders
> [1]= This space will be in addition to and guided by the Application
> Ecosystem Working Group and other affiliated User-Committee WGs.
Flanders | OpenStack Foundation | Community Manager (Cloud Application
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