[User-committee] Non ATC contribution recognition
Lauren Sell
lauren at openstack.org
Mon Mar 28 16:30:04 UTC 2016
Hi Shamail, Tim,
Thanks very much for flagging the board agenda and helping move this forward. I would love to see it driven by the User Committee.
I am definitely supportive of creating more formal recognition and criteria for non-ATC contributors with the goals of 1) recognizing the great work done by many folks in the community who are not contributing code, and 2) more clearly defining the constituency of the User Committee and various working groups (which may allow for things like voting in the future). My only recommendation is that we not conflate the recognition with free Summit passes, because that model may be changing in the future. Even right now, not all ATCs (as defined by the bylaws and TC) receive free passes. As the community has grown, the Foundation created a higher bar for free Summit passes (requiring the attendee to have contributed code or documentation in the most recent or current release cycle, rather than the last two release cycles, which is the true ATC definition). As a practical matter, we are always balancing the cost of putting on a Summit with subsidizing free passes.
I believe you're working more toward recognition on the badges than free passes, but I just wanted to confirm. Especially if we decide to decouple the project-specific design summit sessions from the main event, subsidizing free Summit badges for code contributors may change. There are several options on the table at this point, so I just want to make sure we’re not setting any expectations in the community that we can’t meet :)
> On Mar 28, 2016, at 10:48 AM, Shamail <itzshamail at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> The Non-ATC WG was/is being formed per the last User Committee meeting. I was about to send an email today to announce it and ask for volunteers.
> I do agree that the topic that is outlined below and the objective of the Non-ATC recognition WG is the same. Our plan was to have community members discuss the roles/ activities that are eligible, what to measure the activity, and how to measure it through a community WG effort.
> Thanks,
> Shamail
> On Mar 28, 2016, at 10:04 AM, Tim Bell <Tim.Bell at cern.ch <mailto:Tim.Bell at cern.ch>> wrote:
>> I notice in the draft agenda for the OpenStack foundation board meeting [1] next week there is an item regarding the non ATC contributions due at 10:20.
>> The criteria being proposed are as follows but this would seem to be pre-empting the discussions due in the non-ATC recognition working group [2].
>> Has there been any discussion with the user committee or this working group on these proposals ?
>> [1] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/29Mar2016BoardMeeting <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Governance/Foundation/29Mar2016BoardMeeting>
>> [2] https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NonATCRecognition <https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/NonATCRecognition>
>> Tim
>> —————
>> (10:20) Proposal to increase awareness of and reward other community contributors - Allison, Paul
>> *Summary*
>> In light of the many individuals who are contributing their time and effort to build a vibrant OpenStack community, we are asking for the OpenStack Foundation Board’s support to increase awareness of and reward other community contributors in the same way we reward technical contributors. We want to appropriately identify community leaders who advance the objectives of the OpenStack Community and reinforce the vibrant community that continues to evolve through the amazing efforts around the world from all the great leaders, technical or not. These community leaders should be invited to have a free pass to the Summit and be designated as an active community contributor (“ACC”) similar to an active technical contributor (“ATC”).
>> *Criteria*
>> Must be a registered member of the OpenStack community as a “Foundation Member”
>> Must specify their level of community involvement under “other” on OpenStack profile page [1]
>> Must have performed at least one of the following activities:
>> Organized at least 3 OpenStack community meetups within the last cycle (as documented and validated by Meetup.com <http://meetup.com/>)
>> Organized at least 3 OpenStack community events or 1 mid-cycle event for the latest release (as validated by Meetup.com <http://meetup.com/> or public event data)
>> Organized at least 1 significant community event at the Summit (e.g. core reviewer event, community party, etc.)
>> Actively participated in at least 10 meetings for OpenStack non-coding working groups (validated by agenda roll calls on the Etherpads)
>> Submitted at least 10 defects within the last cycle (as documented in Stackalytics data)
>> Authored OpenStack knowledge sharing/training materials/special documentation outside the OpenStack Documentation project (ACC status is not granted for contributions that would already merit ATC status)
>> As an alternative option, people could nominate themselves, write a short description as to why they are a community contributor, and get a few people from the community they are serving or a Board member to validate their contributions
>> *Endnotes:*
>> [1] To facilitate this, the OpenStack Foundation should change the User Profile page to include ways other than “projects” that people can use to document their contributions. Right now, the profile pages are only focused on code contributors but could even provide a few more community-oriented check boxes in that section
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