[User-committee] [apps] User Survey - Deadline Feb 24th

David F Flanders flanders at openstack.org
Sun Feb 14 18:52:24 UTC 2016

Thank you Marcella, below is great feedback, and I'm Cc'ing HeidiJoy and
Tom at the Foundation to advise on how we can provide this feedback through
to the right channels for next cycle's survey.

+1 re getting everyone in the community to "fight like family" to improve
the AppDev experience.

You and your team's work has really helped kick off this discussion.

Keep up the good work!

Best, Flanders

On Saturday, February 13, 2016, Bonell Manjarrez, Marcela <
marcela.bonell.manjarrez at intel.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I've reviewed the questions in the App Development section and also I've
> sent the survey to some developers folks to get their feedback.
> My conclusion: The current questions are clear and good enough however we
> still need to go deeper about the developer’s experience to provide the
> correct OpenStack tools/resources.
> These are questions that would be great to ask in futures surveys, so we
> can better understand the developer experience:
> 1. Are you developing new cloud aware applications or migrating your
> current ones (traditional model) to the cloud?
> 2. For how long have you been using OpenStack as platform for your
> applications?
> 3. What type of applications are you developing?
>      * 3-tier applications
>      * E-commerce
>      * …
>      * Other
> 4. What IDE’s/tools are using for development?
> 5. What OpenStack projects are being used by your application(s)?
> 6. Does the current OpenStack SDKs have implemented all the API calls
> required by your application (ex. launch an instance, assign security
> groups, associate a floating IP, etc)? Explain.
> 7. Do you find the existing documentation good enough to handle your
> development activities? Explain.
> 8. How are you monitoring your cloud applications?
> 9. How do you get notified whenever your application have a problem?
> 10. What have been your greatest pain points developing applications using
> OpenStack?
> Let’s improve the developer experience in OpenStack together!! :)
> Best regards,
> Marcela Bonell.
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