[User-committee] User Survey ready to go - needs your help today

Jonathan D. Proulx jon at csail.mit.edu
Wed Feb 3 19:12:30 UTC 2016

Excellent work yet again.

Couple of quick (and hopefully easy) notes:

My Organization's default country was listed as Zimbabwe, this should
probably be "prefer not to say" (unless this is my doing and I
mistakenly slected that in the last survey : )

On the Deployment side for the question:

Which projects does this deployment currently use, or are you interested in using in the future?*

It was difficult to be sure my slections (production,test,interested)
were aligned with the right project. Perhaps alternating color/shade
bars could help clarify this?


On Wed, Feb 03, 2016 at 10:26:26AM -0800, Heidi Joy Tretheway wrote:
:   Greetings User Committee,
:   The new version of the User Survey is live! Today, we need your
:   help. Please fill out the User Survey with your real answers today to
:   help test its functionality:
:   [1]www.openstack.org/user-survey
:   I’m asking for your real answers because the survey is live and
:   collecting data. We’re waiting until Friday to make a public
:   announcement for people to start filling out the User Survey so that we
:   can troubleshoot any issues that you uncover in this first round of
:   survey responses. Please email me if you discover anything confusing or
:   not working properly.
:   If you can’t enter real responses, please enter the word “TEST” in the
:   open-response boxes so we can be sure to exclude your data from the
:   final report.
:   Also, we need volunteers to help us with survey comment analysis. If
:   you can spare an hour or two, we would appreciate it immensely! You
:   would receive raw comments from a few user survey questions (the
:   “other” box or one of the longer-answer questions) and be asked to
:   provide a summary in bullet points. Please email me if you’re able to
:   help with this in early March.
:   Thanks in advance for taking the survey today. It should take you just
:   5-10 minutes to complete without a deployment, or up to 15 minutes if
:   you are entering a deployment.
:   Cheers,
:   Heidi Joy
:   ______
:   Heidi Joy Tretheway
:   Senior Marketing Manager, OpenStack Foundation
:   503 816 9769  |  skype: heidi.tretheway
:   1. http://www.openstack.org/user-survey

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